Downsizing the public workforce due to fiscal pressures - really?As fiscal pressures are growing nearly everywhere, many governments are revisiting public sector workforce expenditures in search for savings. Reducing the size of the public workforce is hereby presented as a primary lever, while cutting back benefits and modifying the terms of employment are equally considered. The new French government, for example, proposes the extension of leave without pay for absence from the workplace for… Read More
The mind needs attention:What do humans want more than a sense of well-being? Is prosperity something other than being happy and satisfied in life? Contemporary humankind is seeking happiness on dead-end roads, assuming that money, power, or fame brings happiness, but failing to realize the true situation in which they truly feel fortunate.We have crossed the borders of possibility, discovered the far reaches of the universe, and have reached a level of knowledge and technology that perhaps the… Read More
Man-provoked incidents are rapidly spreading to new corners of the globe. Between April and May of 2024, the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in southern Brazil, was ravaged by torrential rainfall and unprecedented flooding, resulting in hundreds of deaths and leaving hundreds of thousands unsheltered or in extreme vulnerability. This catastrophic climatic event is thought to be linked to the exacerbation of El Niño—the natural warming of ocean waters in the South Pacific—intensified by fossil fuel… Read More
As the Summit of the Future unfolded in New York, the peoples of the Global South, particularly in the Middle East, were losing faith in international mechanisms and diplomacy. This event, held alongside the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, was intended to empower world leaders to make difficult decisions to promote peace, prosperity, and human rights. With just six years left to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Summit highlighted the urgent need for strengthened… Read More
Poverty interacts with conflict both as a cause and as a consequence. The harrowing situation in many countries, such as Haiti, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, serve as stark reminders of the interrelation between poverty and conflict. The case of Gaza is also illustrative. Prior to the Israel-Gaza Crisis, 61 percent of Gaza’s population lived in poverty, acute or moderate food insecurity affected 62.9 per cent of households, daily water consumption was lower than the 100 liters… Read More
In the 23rd session of the Committee of Experts for Public Administration, the working group on institutions, climate action and environment facilitated an expert panel to discuss the topic of “regulating and reforming the insurance industry to combat climate change and accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda”, based on the working group’s paper on the topic. Main findings of the paper and discussions are listed below. The insurance industry plays a critical role in partnering… Read More
The 23rd session of the Committee of Experts of Public Administration (CEPA) took place in April 2024 against the backdrop of a weakening multilateral system and the emergence of a multipolar world - which could have existential repercussions for the United Nations, particularly its financing. In addition, the 2030 Agenda is off track or in reversal due to wide ranging causes, such as climate change, rising inequality, disruptive technological changes, lack of financing and… Read More
Most governments these days are experiencing heavy doses of fiscal stress due to the ongoing multiple crises. In these circumstances it would be nice for them to have recourse to financial reserves accumulated during better times. Unfortunately, for most governments this is not an option as they did not accrue any reserves to speak of. Whether implementing national development plans or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), responding to crises or pursuing grandiose investment projects… Read More
How will artificial intelligence (AI) change the way governments pursue common interest and leave no one behind? At its 23rd session in April 2024, the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration highlighted the vast potential for AI to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, from healthcare to education to social welfare. While its promises are immense, so are its risks. Traditional and generative AI are two distinct approaches in the AI landscape. While… Read More
During the 23rd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA), held in 2024, its working group on public sector workforce matters recalled the CEPA governance principles of “non-discrimination” and “leaving no one behind” under the umbrella of “inclusiveness” when establishing and managing the public sector workforce. There have been important advances in public sector workforces worldwide in terms of gender equality, particularly supported by the explicit endorsement… Read More
Achieving the Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is impossible without realizing substantive investments aimed at increasing human well-being and leaving no one behind. Today, in the era of polycrisis, most governments have to cope with decreasing public revenues, while at the same time experiencing rising needs for public expenditures and increasing debt. The question, therefore, remains as to how to find the right balance while promoting fiscal responsibility. There is no… Read More
The impactful role that culture and cultural diplomacy can play in the prevention of conflicts and in the quest for security and sustainable development in these challenging times must be urgently considered. The cultural dimension of security has always been central in the post-Cold War, yet it became prominent from the late 1980s, involving a reconfiguration of the field of security from material and military factors towards cultural and symbolic forms of distinctiveness and global influence.… Read More