An oft-quoted African proverb says that if you want to go fast, go alone; and If you want to go far, go together. This message of working together in partnership is echoed in the theme of this year’s United Nations Public Service Day, celebrated every year on 23 June, as decided by the UN General Assembly. [1]
Taking its lead from the 2022 theme of the United Nations High-level Political Forum (HLPF), which will review progress in achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17, the 2022 UN Public Service Day commemoration will focus on the role of public institutions and public servants in building back better from COVID-19 through partnership. “Building back better from COVID-19: Enhancing innovative partnerships to meet the Sustainable Development Goals” will be the focus of a virtual celebration of the Day to be observed this year on 22 June at UN Headquarters in New York. During the virtual event, stakeholders will gather to discuss the role that various forms of partnership can and should play in building back better from COVID-19 and in meeting the SDGs.
The 2022 United Nations Public Service Award (UNPSA) winners will also be announced during the online event. The UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA), through its group of experts on the Award, contributed to the final round of review and evaluation of the short-listed cases. Over the years a significant number of UNPSA initiatives have contributed to the achievement of SDG 17 and its targets. CEPA takes pride in being part of the review process, ensuring UNPSA remains a fair, objective and independent process.
CEPA has consistently emphasized the importance of collaboration and partnership. In the principles of effective governance for sustainable development adopted by CEPA and endorsed by the UN Economic and Social Council in 2018, Principle 3 focuses on collaboration: “To address problems of common interest, institutions at all levels of government and in all sectors should work together and jointly with non-State actors towards the same end, purpose and effect”. Commonly used strategies include centre of government coordination under the Head of State or Government; collaboration, coordination, integration and dialogue across levels of government and functional areas; raising awareness of the SDGs; network-based governance; and multi-stakeholder partnerships.
As governments across the world face increasingly inter-connected challenges in climate, environmental degradation, education, employment, health care, housing and social services, including basic access to energy, water and sanitation, the public sector must respond with coherent policy measures that are based on multi-pronged strategies and multi-stakeholder partnerships, harnessing synergies across sectors and administrative levels.
Lessons from UNPSA initiatives and other multi-stakeholder partnerships suggest that a precondition for successful partnerships is the effective alignment among partners in terms of vision, values and objectives – the partners must share a common goal and objective for the partnership to work.
Secondly, whether it is public-private or national-local government arrangements, partners must put the people at the heart of their partnerships, based on a strong service orientation.
Thirdly, successful partnerships, including those among Member States, often put a premium on mutual respect and ensure that partners are equal, regardless of the amount of financial resources committed.
Fourthly, effective partnerships benefit from a strong governance framework, with clear responsibility and accountability agreed and implemented among partners.
Fifth, being partners does not do away with the imperative of communication. Even with transparency embedded in partnerships, clear and regular communication among those concerned is essential to coherent and coordinated implementation of partnership agreements.
Finally, all of the aforementioned steps will be easier to take if the partners have a collaborative mindset that is conducive to the efficient operation of partnership agreements and to monitoring and evaluation.
On the occasion of the 2022 UN Public Service Day, I wish all innovative partnerships across the world great success. Efficient, effective, equitable, inclusive and sustainable public services depend on it.
By Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, CEPA Chairperson
[1] On 20 December 2002, the General Assembly designated 23 June as Public Service Day by adopting resolution 57/277.