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2010 - Barcelona, Spain

2010 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards Ceremony2010 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards Ceremony

The 2010 United Nations Pubic Service Day will be celebrated around the world through various activities. The General Assembly, by its resolution A/RES/57/277, designated 23 June as the United Nations Public Service Day to "celebrate the value and virtue of service to the community". 23 June is also Africa Public Service Day. This year for the first time, the UN Public Service Day and the Awards Ceremony will be held outside of the United Nations headquarters. The Directorate General for Participation of the Government of Catalonia of Spain will co-sponsor and host this major event. The Directorate won the United Nations Public Service Awards in 2008.

Organizers and Partners


Adriana Alberti, UNPSA Programme and Forum Coordinator at @email

Lois Warner, UNPSA Administrator at @email


Audrey Rabot, Coordinator, Government of Catalonia at @email 




Partner's Web-sites

Catalan Ministry of Home Affairs regarding the 2010 UNPSA

Plenary Sessions

Opening Ceremony

                           Arabic / Chinese / English / French / Russian / Spanish

Special Session: “Citizen Engagement in Spain, Europe and From a Global Perspective”

“The Participation Policy in the Government of Catalonia” , by Mr. Marc Rius, Director, Directorate General of Citizen Participation, Government of Catalonia, Spain (Bio of Speaker)

Capacity Building Workshops

Workshop 1 - Promoting Innovation in Transparency, Accountability and Public Service Delivery for Achieving the MDGs
This workshop will explore policies and strategies; best practices, and tools to promote innovation in public service delivery, with a particular focus on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.  The goal of the Workshop is to enhance knowledge and build a shared understanding among governance actors of what policies and strategies, practices and tools Member States can adopt to make public service delivery more effective, equitable, transparent, participatory and citizen-centric with a view to promoting greater social and economic development. The Workshop will provide ample time for group discussion on innovative approaches, methodologies, and technologies in public service delivery. Key lessons learned will be reflected in a set of recommendations, which will be presented in the concluding plenary session.

Panel I:  Improving Transparence, Accountability, and Responsiveness in the Public Service



Adriana Alberti
Coordinator, UNPSA Programme
Governance and Public Administration Oficer

Lois Redman-Warner
UNPSA Administrator
Associate Governance and Public Administration Officer

Martha Luque
Technical Co-operation Assistant

Flor Velazco-Juarez
Technical Co-operation Assistant

Workshop 2- Engaging Citizens in Development Management and Public Governance for the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals

The workshop will explore policies, strategies, best practices and tools to promote the engagement of citizens in development management and public governance for the achievement of the MDGs. The goal of the workshop is to enhance the knowledge and build shared understanding among participants on how citizens can be engaged in different stages of strategy and policy making (planning and implementation, monitoring and evaluation), as well as in public service delivery, with a view of promoting efficient and transparent public management and inclusive social and economic development. The workshop will provide presentations by key international experts, as well as group discussions on innovative approaches, methodologies and tools, including the use of ICT-tools, in citizens’ engagement in development management and public governance. Key findings of the workshop deliberations will be reflected in a set of recommendations. The workshop will also lead to innovative networking among participants and to the construction of an online knowledge base on public administration and citizens’ engagement developed by the Division for Public Administration and Development management (DPADM/UNDESA).
  • Opening Remarks
    • Welcoming Remarks and Introductory Framework to the Workshop: Citizens'Engagement in Development Management for Advancing towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), by Dr.Roberto Villareal: English
    • Citizens Engagement and Development Management: A Perspective from the United Nations, by Dr.Roberto Villareal: English
    • Perspectives on Citizens' Engagement, by Dr. Miquel Angel Essomba: English
    • Introduction to the Workshop, by Ms. Anni Haataja: English
  • Session I: Approaches, Trends and Challenges in Citizens' Engagement for Development Management and Public Governance
    • Collaborative governance: The case of the Strategic Agreement of Catalonia, by Dr. Francisco Longo Martinez and Dr. Angel Saz-Carranza: English
  • Session II: Methodologies and Tools for Citizens' Engagement in Development Management and Public Governance
    • Building Trust: Methodologies and Tools of Citizens' Engagement in Local Development, by Ms. Marta Oyhanarte: English / Spanish
    • Interactive Planning in Russia as a Framework for Citizens' Engagement in Development Management, by Mr. Mikhail Dmitriev: English
  • Session III: Innovations, Best Practices and Uses of ICT for Citizens' Engagement in Development Management and Public Governance
    • Citizen’s Engagement in Health Service Provision in Kenya, by Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o: English
    • Towards Human Governance in Public Administration through Quality of Education, by Dr. Hyam Nashash: English
    • Gender-Responsive ICT Development in Asia and the Pacific: Issues and Challenges by Ms. Ji Hyung Yu: English
    • Program for the Integrated and Sustainable Development of the EPA Mozaic in the Bahia Southern Lowlands by Mr. Mauricio José Soares de Medeiro: English /Spanish / Portuguese
    • Ragazzi in Aula (Youth in the Law Hall, by Ms. Daniela Bartoli: English
    • Collaboration Testing, by Mr. Haruji Kuroiwa: English
    • Empowering Communities for a Sustainable Waterfuture for the City of Gold Coast, Mr. Guillermo "Bill" Capati: English
    • From Thought to Practice, Getting Things Done: New Initiatives on Promoting ICT-Based Citizens' Engagement
      • WebCitizen, by Mr. André Blas: English
      • Somos Más, by Mr. Nicolás Martín: English
      • Victeams, by Mr. Saul Lustgarten: English
      • Collabforge, by Dr. Mark Elliott: English
  • Session I: Approaches, Trends and Challenges in Citizens' Engagement for Development Management and Public Governance
  • Session II: Methodologies and Tools for Citizens' Engagement in Development Management and Public Governance
    • Building Trust: Methodologies and Tools of Citizens' Engagement in Local Development, by Ms. Marta Oyhanarte: English / Spanish
    • Interactive Planning in Russia as a Framework for Citizens' Engagement in Development Management, by Mr. Mikhail Dmitriev: English
  • Session III: Innovations, Best Practices and Uses of ICT for Citizens' Engagement in Development Management and Public Governance
    • Citizen’s Engagement in Health Service Provision in Kenya, by Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o: English
    • Towards Human Governance in Public Administration through Quality of Education, by Dr. Hyam Nashash: English
    • How leadership in digital networks can accelerate civic engagement to achieve the millennium development goals, by Ms. Julia Andrade Ramalho-Pinto: English


  • Final Report
  • Evaluation
  • Webcast
  • Photos

Roberto Villarreal
Socio-Economic Governance and Management Branch (SGMB)
Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM)

Anni Haataja
Associate Expert

Elvira Cachola
Programme Assistant

Workshop 3 - Advancing e-Government Development and Knowledge Management

This workshop will explore policies and strategies; best practices, and tools to promote e-government and knowledge management in government, with a particular focus on the achievement of the MDGs. The goal of the Workshop is to enhance knowledge and build a shared understanding among governance actors of what policies and strategies, practices and tools Member States can adopt to enhance e-government development and knowledge management in government with a view to promoting greater social and economic development. The Workshop will provide ample time for group discussion on innovative approaches, methodologies, and technologies in these critical areas. Key lessons learned will be reflected in a set of recommendations, which will be presented at the concluding plenary session.

  • Introduction to the Workshop Themes and Agenda by Jonas Rabinovitch
  • Building e-Government in Spain: Key enablers by Mr. Fernando de Pablo
  • The Key Role of E-Government and Knowledge Management for Public Administration and Development by Ms. Haiyan Qian
SESSION I: E-Government Development and Knowledge Management: Challenges and Trends
SESSION II: Best Practices and Innovations in e-Government Development and Knowledge Management
SESSION III: 2010 United Nations e-Government Survey Awards
SESSION IV: Approaches, Methodologies and Tools to Improve Government 

   Development and Knowledge Management: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects

    Final Report




Clelia Colombo
Citizen participation Officer
Government of Catalonia

Jonas Rabinovitch
Senior Adviser
e-government Branch

Adriana Alberti
Public Administration Capacity Branch

Rosanne Clarke
e-government Branch

Expert Group Meeting on Developing Institutional Capacities of Public Administration for the Achievement of MDGs in Post Conflict and Crisis Situations: Challenges, Best Practices, and Lessons Learned in Preparedness, Prevention, and Reconstruction


Session I: Strengthening Public Administration Capacities for Responding to Crisis Challenges through Engaging Citizens and Other Key Stakeholders in Preparedness and Post-crisis Reconstruction 

Session II: Strengthening Public Administration Capacities for Delivery of Public Services in Crisis and Post- conflict/Crisis Situations

Session III: Strengthening Public Administration Capacities through North-South and South-South Cooperation for Sustained Effective Delivery of Public Services in Situations of Natural Disasters

  • H.E. Prof. Tarsis Bazana Kabwegyere, Minister of Relief and Disaster Preparedness, 
    Office of the Prime Minister
  • Mr. Larry Franklin, Director Disaster Management, Deputy Governor’s Office 
    Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA), The Valley, ANGUILLA
  • Final Report

Special Meeting on Sharing Knowledge among Awards Programmes

The Special Event “Meeting for Coordinators of Public Service Awards Programmes” is organized within the framework of the United Nations Public Service Awards Day and Forum and will take place in the afternoon of 23 June. The main goal of the Meeting is to provide the platform for dialogue among coordinators and other representative of public service awards programmes from all regions of the world. Discussions will be pivoted around the subject of “Fostering Knowledge Sharing among Public Service Awards Programmes” at national regional and international levels. Participants from each region will deliver short presentations sharing from their experiences and expertise and general discussion among participants will follow two main agenda items. From the discussions, recommendations on best practices and tools for Knowledge Sharing among public service awards programmes will be formulated by the meeting organizers and incorporated into the overall final report for the United Nations Public Service Day and Forum.