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2011 - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

2011 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards Ceremony

2011 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards CeremonyThe United Nations Public Service Forum is a unique capacity-building global event on public governance that provides a platform to explore, discuss and learn about: (i) Emerging challenges, issues and trends in public governance; (ii) Innovative practices to address these challenges; and (iii) Capacity development strategies, approaches and tools - how can we learn from these practices and what tools are available or can we develop to move forward?

Every year the Forum focuses on a specific critical area of public governance, and explores its different dimensions and components in an organic way. The Forum brings together world leaders, policy-makers, practitioners, innovators in governance, representatives of international and regional organizations, the academia, non-profit organizations and the private sector. The Forum is uniquely positioned to benefit from the first-class innovative practices of the winners of the prestigious United Nations Public Service Awards who are recognized for their achievements on the last day of this high-level event, which also coincides with United Nations Public Service Day and Africa Public Service Day. The General Assembly, by its resolution A/RES/57/277, designated 23 June as the United Nations Public Service Day to "celebrate the value and virtue of service to the community".

This year, the Forum, which will focus on the theme of "Transformative Leadership in Public Administration and Innovation in Governance: Creating a Better Life for All" will take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 20 to 23 June 2011. It is organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC), the President’s Office of the United Republic of Tanzania, which will host the event, and in partnership with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), and with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tanzania.


Description of 2011 Winning Initiatives

UN Innovations in Public Governance Application for iPhone/iPad

The UN's latest mobile application, UN Innovations in Public Governance, was launched by DPADM/DESA at the UN Public Service Awards Ceremony in Dar es Salaam on 23 June 2011. The free application, available worldwide for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, lets users easily explore the entire archive of 145 Public Service Award-Winning Initiatives, including the just-announced 2011 winners. The App allows users to filter by Subject, Category, Region, Country and Year, and learn about each initiative from content that is optimised for a mobile platform.

Past United Nations Public Service Awards Winners

Organizers and Partners

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)

Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) 

UN- Women

African Union Commission 

President's Office, Government of Tanzania

Adriana Alberti, UNPSA Programme and Forum Coordinator at @email 
Sirkka Nghilundilua, UNPSA Administrator at @email 
Mr. Mathias Kabunduguru, Director, Public Policy, Office of the President, Tanzania, Forum and Africa Public Service Day Coordinator at @email 

Plenary Sessions

Ministerial Roundtable and Inter-Generational Dialogue
  • Bios of Speakers
  • Innovations Exhibition
  • Presentation of the 2011 United Nations Public Service Awards Winners

Plenary Session I - Governance and Public Administration in Africa

The African Public service Charter:  A Critical Step in Improving Governance and Public Administration in Africa, by Mr. Juster Nkoroi, Head of the CAMPS Secretariat

The Critical Role of Leadership in Reconstructing Public Administration after Conflict in Africa, by Mr. John-Mary Kauzya, Chief, Public Administration Capacity Branc, Division for Public Administration and Development Management, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations:  
Power Point / Word

Unleashing Wealth Creation in Africa, by Mr. Julius O. Akinyemi, Entrepreneur-In-Residence, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Formalizing Property Rights of Slum Dwellers for Socio-economic Development: The case of Mukurabita in The United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Stepen Wasira, Minister of State, President's Office, Social Relations and Coordination, United Republic of Tanzania

Plenary Session II - Promoting Integrity in Leadership and Transforming Mindsets in Public Governance: A Global Perspective

Transformative Leadership for Sustainable Human Development, by Mr. Robertson Work, Adjunct Professor, New York University Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, Founder/Director, Innovative Leadership Services:  Background Paper  /  Presentation

Promoting Integrity in Public Governance: A Global Perspective, by Ms. Julia Pilgrim, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Plenary Session III - Promoting Citizen Participation and Innovation in Public Service Delivery: A New Paradigm Shirt in Creating Public Value

Accelerating Achievement of the MDGs:  Engaging Women in Public Service Delivery, by Ms. Joanne Sandler, Senior Advisor Policy and Programmes, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women - UN-Women

Citizen Participation and Innovations in Public Service Delivery for Proverty Reduction Strategies, by Dr. Godfrey Sansa, University of Dar es Salaam

eParticipation and the Role of Social Media in Transforming Public Governance, by Mr. Jeremy Millard, Senior Consultant, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark

Plenary Session IV - Presentation of the 2011 United Nations Public Service Awards Winners

Capacity Building Workshops

Workshop 1 - Leading with Integrity and Inventiveness in Public Governance
This workshop, which has two sub-themes: “Preventing and Fighting Corruption” and “Innovation in Public Service”, aims at uncovering strategies on preventing and combating corruption, as well as emerging trends, policies and strategies, practices and lessons learned related to the institutional development of service delivery in a number of areas, including health, education, and pensions. Corruption and efficient service delivery are inextricably intertwined, as corruption hurts the poor disproportionately by diverting funds intended for development, undermining a Government’s ability to provide basic services, feeding inequality and injustice and discouraging foreign aid and investment. Undoubtedly one of the most important objectives of governments is the delivery of public services and goods or providing access to them. 



Panel 1 - A New Vision of Transformative Leadership and Integrity in Public Governance to Create a Better Life for All



Panel 2: Good Practices and Innovations in Preventing and Combating Corruption in the Public Service



Panel 1 - What can leaders do to improve access, quality and effectiveness of public services, especially in view of the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals?

Panel 2 -  Best Practices and Innovations in Public Service Delivery that Make Governments More Effective, Responsive and Citizen-Centric

Panel 3 - Strategies, Methodologies and Capacity-Building Tools to Improve Access, quality and Effectiveness of Public Service Delivery

Other  Presentations by Winners:

Concluding Remarks


John-Mary Kauzya
Chief, Capacity Development Branch

Adriana Alberti
Coordinator, UNPSA Programme
Governance and Public Administration Oficer

Sirkka Nghilundilua
Associate Expert

Martha Luque
Technical Co-operation Assistant

Flor Velazco-Juarez
Technical Co-operation Assistant

Workshop 2- Engaging Citizens and Civil Society Organizations to Promote Effectiveness, Accountability and Transparency in Reconstruction and Recovery Strategies after Natural Disasters

Every year, countries around the world suffer from natural disasters which have severe implications on their economic and social development. The poorest countries and people suffer from natural disasters first and most. In a post-natural disaster situation, effective governmental leadership, efficient institutional organization and coordination, prompt mobilization of human and financial resources, and coherent public communications are all needed to overcome the immediate and mid-term crisis and to meet the urgent needs of the affected populations. Government failure or inadequate response and/or performance to overcome the crisis and meet the urgent needs of the people bring to the forefront other actors -non-governmental organizations, international organizations and spontaneously formed social or civic organizations- which substitute for government in a variety of public interventions, but unfortunately not always in orderly, accountable and transparent ways: inadequate governance in the aftermath of a natural disaster sometimes leads to corruption, privileged attention to elites or groups connected to political actors, unsatisfactory response in equitable and inclusive manners to the needs of all and especially of the poor and marginalized. As a consequence, trust in government and the leadership of legitimate authorities is also weakened or damaged, making the situation even worse. Thus, the occurrence of natural disasters not only generates considerable human suffering and large economic costs, but also puts to severe test the capacity of governments to effectively intervene and solve big and pressing problems for the population under extraordinary and highly complex situations, with large challenges for the public administration. 

Aide Memoire 
Bios of Speakers 
List of Participants 
Background Papers


Roberto Villarreal 
Development Management Branch (DMB) 
Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) 
Vyatcheslav Cherkasov 
Senior Public Administration Officer 
Anni Haataja 
Associate Expert 

Stella Simpas 
Programme Assistant 

Workshop 3 - African e-Leadership Capacity-Building

The UN eLeadership Capacity Building Workshop aims to explore the role and importance of leadership in e-government development. It will aim to (i) facilitate an active dialogue amongst the African CIOs, between them and their counterparts from different regions of the world as well as regional and international development partners and UN organizations in addressing the challenges and assessing the institutional framework for e/m government development in Africa; (ii) promote regional cooperation and the regional perspective in e/m-government leadership, through discussions and presentations regarding the models of institutional frameworks and the fundamentals of the enabling environment; (iii) promote international cooperation and exchange of experiences amongst the high level decision makers across the regions; (iv) map innovative practices of e/m government leadership in implementing development goals, citing best practices and lessons learnt; (v) provide a set of findings, conclusions and recommendations on the role of CIO in implementing successfully e-government strategies, as a way to achieve national development goals, aligned with the achievement of Internationally Agreed Development Goals (IADGs), including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); (vi) establish a network of CIOs (eLeaders in Africa) as a regional forum where challenges will be discussed and experiences will be shared on a more sustainable way. 


Vincenzo Aquaro
e-Government Branch (eGB) 
Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) 

Elida Reci
Public Administration and Governance Officer 
Richard Kerby 
Inter-regional Adviser on e-Government and Knowlege Management

Rosanne Clarke

Workshop 4 – “Leading Innovations on Gender-Responsive Service Delivery

Gender-responsive public services, including provision for skilled health personnel to attend to births, have indeed lagged behind legislative advancements, national and international commitments on gender equality. Public authorities have a crucial role in ensuring that the service delivery needs of women are met as the latter represent the majority of those who access and use public services. Hence, there is a need to institutionalize gender-responsive public service delivery, and promote the exchange of good practices concerning inclusion of women and their needs in governance and public administration in order to contribute to social and economic development.


Making Public Services Work for Women: Lessons from United Nations Public Service Award Nominees, by Marie Donaldson and Vladimir Glasinovic School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) Columbia University


PANEL 1:  Winds of Change?  Innovations in Delivering Services to Rural Women

PANEL 2:  Accountability and Gender-Responsive Service Delivery

Panel 3:  A Leap Forward - Innovations to Overcome Women's Mobility Constraints

Panel 4:  Improving Women's Participation in Electoral Processes

Sudarsana Kundu 
Programme Manager, Gender and Governance 
Peace and Security Cluster 
UN Women
Ana Lukatela 
Programme Specialist, Women’s Political Participation 
Peace and Security Cluster 
UN Women 

Limon B. Rodriguez 
Research and Statistics Analyst 
Peace and Security Cluster 
UN Women 

Special Meeting for Awards Programmes Coordinators

The Special Meeting for Coordinators of Public Service Awards Programmes is organized within the framework of the United Nations Public Service Awards Day and Forum and will take place in the afternoon of 23 June. The main goal of the Meeting is to provide a platform for dialogue among coordinators and other representative of public service awards programmes from all regions of the world. Discussions will, essentially, be pivoted around the subject of “Fostering Knowledge-sharing among Public Service Awards Programmes", at local, national regional and international levels. Participants from each region will engage each other in sharing from their experiences and expertise and general discussion among participants will follow on two main agenda items: (A) the finalization of an action plan for the launching of a Global Network for Coordinators of Public Service Awards Programmes, including its format, and content sustainability; (B) the exploration of programme assessment methodologies towards global perspectives of programme impacts.


Adriana Alberti 
Coordinator, United Nations Public Service Awards Programme 
T: +1-212 963 2299 
F: +1-212 963 9681 
E: @email 

Lois Redman-Warner 
Associate Governance and Public Administration Officer 
T: +1-212-963-3952 
F: +1-212-963-2292 
E: @email