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2012 - New York, USA

2012 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards Ceremony

2012 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards CeremonyThis year, the United Nations Public Service Day will be celebrated on 25 June 2012 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York as it is the tenth anniversary of the Day and UNPSA programme.
United Nations Public Service Day Video Message
Overall Information About the Event
Ministerial Round Table ( 27 June)


2012 United Nations Public Service Awards Winners
Past United Nations Public Service Awards Winners
Videos of Past UNPSA Winners
    United Nations eGovernment Survey 2012 Special Awards Winners
    Videos/Presentations of the Winning Initiatives
    Category 1:  Preventing and Combating Corruption in the Public Service
    Category 2:  Improving Delivery of Public Services
    Category 3:  Fostering Participation in Policy-Making Decisions through Innovative Mechanisms
    Category 4:  Advancing Knowledge Management in Government
    • -  Coordinating Agency for Federal Geographical Information, Switzerland
    Category 5:  Promoting Gender Responsive Delivery of Public Services

    Photos and Videos


    United Nations Public Service Day and Awards - Ceremony
    United Nations Public Service Day and Awards - Art Exhibition " Spotlighting on Chinese Ink Paintings
    United Nations Public Service Day and Awards - Celebratory Cultural Performance
    United Nations Public Service Day and Awards - Ceremony Slideshow Presentation
    United Nations Public Service Day and Awards - Celebratory Luncheon
    United Nations Public Service Forum- Ministerial Round Table


    United Nations Webcast
      South-South News Interviews with Winners
      Category 1
      1st Place Winner

            Category 1
      1st Place Winner
      Republic of Korea

            Category 1
      1st Place Winner

      Category 2
      1st Place Winner

            Category 2
      1st Place Winner
      Dominican Republic

            Category 2
      1st Place Winner
      United States of America

      Category 3
      1st Place Winner

            Category 3
      1st Place Winner

            Category 4
      1st Place Winner

      Category 4
      1st Place Winner

            Category 5
      1st Place Winner
      South Africa

            Category 5
      1st Place Winner
      Bosnia and Herzegovina

      Category 5
      1st Place Winner

      Organizers and Partners



      For further information, please contact: 

      • Ms. Haiyan Qian
        Director, DPADM/UNDESA
        Tel: 1-212-963-3393 Fax: 1-212-963-2916 E-mail: @email

      • Mr. John-Mary Kauzya
        Chief, Public Administration Capacity Branch (PACB/DPADM/UNDESA)
        Tel: 1-212-963-1973 Fax: 1-212-963-2916 E-mail: @email

      • Ms. Adriana Alberti
        UNPSA Coordinator, Public Administration Capacity Branch (PACB/DPADM/UNDESA)
        Tel: 1-212-963-2299 Fax: 1-212-963-2916 Email: @email

      • Ms. Sirkka Nghilundilua
        UNPSA Administrator, Public Administration Capacity Branch (PACB/DPADM/UNDESA)
        Tel: 1-212-963-3927 Fax: 1-212-963-2916 Email: @email

      • Ms. Flor Velazco-Juarez
        Team Member, Public Administration Capacity Branch (PACB/DPADM/UNDESA)
        Tel: 1-917-3673004 Fax: 1-212-963-2916 Email: @email

      • Ms. Michelle Alves de Lima
        UNPSA Communications and Outreach, UNPAN Management Unit (UMU/DPADM/UNDESA)
        Tel: 1-212-963-3224 Fax: 1-212-963-9681 Email: @email

      • Ms. Ana Lukatela
        UN Women
        Email: @email

      Capacity Building Workshops

      The United Nations Public Service Forum is a unique capacity-building global event on public governance that provides a platform to explore, discuss and learn about: (i) Emerging challenges, issues and trends in public governance; (ii) Innovative practices to address these challenges; and (iii) Capacity development strategies, approaches and tools - how can we learn from these practices and what tools are available or can we develop to move forward?

      Every year the Forum focuses on a specific critical area of public governance, and explores its different dimensions and components in an organic way. The Forum brings together world leaders, policy-makers, practitioners, innovators in governance, representatives of international and regional organizations, the academia, non-profit organizations and the private sector. The Forum is uniquely positioned to benefit from the first-class innovative practices of the winners of the prestigious United Nations Public Service Awards who are recognized for their achievements on the last day of this high-level event, which also coincides with United Nations Public Service Day. The General Assembly, by its resolution A/RES/57/277, designated 23 June as the United Nations Public Service Day to "celebrate the value and virtue of service to the community". This year the Awards Ceremony will take place in the United Nations General Assembly Hall on Monday, 25 June 2012.

      This year, the Forum, which will focus on the theme of "Innovation and Citizens Engagement for Effective Governance" will take place in New York from 25 to 27 June 2012. It is organized by the Division for Public Administration and Development Management of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in partnership with UN-Women, and other relevant agencies of the United Nations.

      Workshop 1 - Institutions and Leadership Capacities to Engage Citizens in Service Delivery

      Opening Session:
      • Providing health care services to citizens at their doorstep, with special focus on mother and child, by Ms. Ritu Maheshwari, District Magistrate, District Health Society, India
      The Way Forward: New Capacity-Building Approaches and Recommendations
      Panel Discussion On Innovative Institutions And Leadership Capacity In Service Delivery

      Video presentations of UNPSA Winners 

      • Enhancing trade and commerce through an integrated electronic system that streamlines customs clearance procedures, by Mr. Ibrahim Nour Eddine Diagne, Director General, GIE GAINDE 2000, Senegal
      • Providing Health Care Services To Citizens At Their Doorstep, With Special Focus On Mother And Child, by Mr. Mayur Maheshwari, District Magistrate: District Health Society, India

      Session I - Developing Institutional Mechanisms to Innovate and Engage Citizens in Service Delivery

      Session II - Developing Leadership Capacities For Inclusive And Innovative Public Service Delivery

      Video presentations of UNPSA Winners
      Other Presentations

      Mkurabita - Property and Business Formalization Program - Experience in Formalization of Squatter Settlements



      Adriana Alberti
      Coordinator, UNPSA Programme Governance and Public Administration Officer 

      Sirkka Nghilundilua
      Associate Governance and Public Administration Officer 

      Nadine Manket
      Programme Assistant 

      Flor Velazco-Juarez
      Programme Assistant 

      Joint Expert Group Meeting and Workshop 2- Preventing Corruption in Public Administration: Citizen Engagement for Improved Transparency and Accountability

      General Rapporteur’s Report

      Session I: 
      Causes and consequences of corruption in public sector institutions and its impact on development

      Background Papers:
      Session II: 
      Effectiveness of public sector institutional arrangements for preventing corruption and engaging citizens in anti-corruption initiatives
      • Fight Against Corruption, by Mr. Joel Salas, Head, Transparency and International Cooperation Unit, Ministry of Public Administration, Mexico
            Background Papers:
      Session III: Public sector human resources capacity development for preventing corruption and engaging citizens in anti-corruption initiatives

      Background Papers:

      Session IV: Accountability through transparency: Harnessing the potential of ICT in governance and engaging citizens to prevent corruption in the public sector

      Background Papers:

      Special Session: Capacity-building for preventing corruption in public administration
      John-Mary Kauzya, Chief
      Public Administration Capacity Branch (PACB)

      Angela Capati-Caruso
      Senior Governance and Public Administration Officer

      Garegin Manukyan 
      Public Administration Affairs Officer

      Flor Velazco-Juarez
      Programme Assistant

      Patricia Penuen
      Programme Assistant

      Workshop 3 - E-Government: From Policy to Practice

      SESSION 1 – E-Government Strategies/Policies: Design for Results
      • Republic of Korea - H.E. Mr. Kwang-Soo Chang, Assistant Minister, Informatization Stragegy Office, MOPAS
      • Israel - Ms. Carmela Avner, Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Finance
      • Mexico - Mr. Uriel Marquez Carrasco, Deputy Secretary, Secretariat for Public Service
      • Bahrain - Mr. Mohamed Ali Al Qaed, Chief Executive Officer, e-Government Authority
      • Finland – Mr. Juhani Korhonen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Finance and Dr. Tuija Kuusisto, Counsellor, Ministry of Finance

      SESSION 2 – Whole-Of-Government: Institutional Coordination for Effective Implementation
      • Colombia – Ms. Johanna Pimiento, Manager, E-Government Programme
      • Chile – Mr. Andrés Bustamante Valenzuela, Director, e-Government Development, Ministry of the Presidency
      • Spain – Mr. Carles Castell Puig, Head, Territorial Planning and Analysis
      • Malaysia - Ms. Normi Nordin, Director of Society Well-being Division, Implementation Coordination Unit of Prime Ministers' Department
      SESSION 3 - Connected Government: Partnerships and collaboration for Enhanced Service Delivery
      • Kazahkstan - H.E. Mr. Saken Sarsenov, Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communication responsible for E-Government Policy
      • Seychelles - Mr. Benjamin Choppy, Principal Secretary, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Ministry of National Development
      • Singapore - Ms. Lih Ling Ong, Director of Government Chief Information office, Infocomm Develoopment Authority of Singapore
      • FEACO - Mr. Ezio Lattanzio, Charman of FEACO European Federation of Management Consultancies Associations
      • CONSIP, Italy - Mr. Luca Mastrogregori, Head, eProcurement Strategies
      Vincenzo Aquaro
      e-Government Branch (eGB)
      Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM)

      Jonas Rabinovitch
      Senior Adviser

      Rosanne Greco
      Programme Assistant

      Workshop 4 – The Dividends of Women in the Frontline of Service Delivery



      PANEL 1

      PANEL 2




      Ana Lukatela
      Programme Specialist, Women’s Political Participation
      Peace and Security Cluster
      UN Women