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2015 - Medellin, Colombia

2015 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards Ceremony

2015 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards CeremonyThe 2015 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards Ceremony will take place in Medellin, Colombia at the Plaza Mayor Medellin Convention and Exhibition Center  from 23 to 26 June 2015. Focusing on the theme “Innovating Public Service Delivery to Implement the Post-2015 Development Agenda”, the Forum will be organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM), in partnership with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in collaboration with the hosting Government of the Republic of Colombia.  

In line with the search for Sustainable Development, the United Nations is dedicated to promoting exchange of experiences, ideas and best practices concerning innovations in governance and public administration in order to contribute to social, economic, and environmental development. The General Assembly itself has reiterated, in resolution 57/277, that particular emphasis should be given to the exchange of experience related to the role of public administration in the implementation of internationally agreed goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration. In resolution 50/225, it also underlined the importance of enhancing international cooperation in the field of public administration, including South-South and inter-regional cooperation. 




Interviews with Winners


Kenya     India     Philippines     Mexico
Spain     Singapore     Thailand     Estonia
Latvia     UAE     Thailand     Spain

Programme Handbook

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Ministerial Roundtable

Workshop 1 - Strengthening Leadership, Professionalism, Ethics and Other Human Resources Capacities in the Public Service - Organized by DPADM/DESA

The workshop is designed to benefit Senior Public Servants in the countries of Latin America to come together and join other public servants from all over the world and discuss the challenges related to capacities of their Public Services in terms of leadership, professionalism, integrity, and ethics and how these can be strengthened to contribute to the prevention of corruption in the public service in order to contribute to the achievement of MDGs and SDGs.

Session I: Overview and Setting the Context

  • Management Development Institutes (MDIs) the capacity of the public service to implement the Post 2015 Development Agenda in Latin American countries by Dr. Alejandro Larreamendy Joerns, National Director of Higher School of Public Administration –ESAP of Colombia 
  • “Developing Capacities for Professionalism, Integrity, and Ethics (PIE) to Prevent Corruption in the Public Service” by Dr. John-Mary Kauzya, Chief of Public Administration Capacity Branch, DPADM/UNDESA:  Word / PPT


Contact us

Mr. John-Mary Kauzya, Chief, Public Administration Capacity Branch
Division for Public Administration and Development Management 
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Tel: +1 212 963 1973+1 212 963 1973
Email: @email


Stefania Senese, Governance and Public Administration Officer  
Public Administration Capacity Branch  
Division for Public Administration and Development Management  
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs   Tel: +1 212 963 7188
+1 212 963 7188

Email: @email

Workshop 2 - E-Government as a Driving Force for Institutional Integration towards Sustainable Development - Organized by DPADM/DESA

E-Government has progressed to the point that it is now a force for effective governance and citizen participation, both at national and local levels. With the Post-2015 Development Agenda being advanced by all Governments worldwide, it is no longer a question of whether we can afford information and communication technology in health, education, economy, environmental protection and a multitude of other areas, but where to deploy them first and how rapidly gains can be realized. During the past couple of decades, the global community has gathered unquestionable evidence that e-Government can contribute to efficiency, transparency and citizen satisfaction in public service delivery. Drawing on regional and national experiences, the Workshop will focus on innovations for whole-of-government approaches as well as improving the delivery of services through ICTs and e-Government development, which are key themes for the United Nations Public Service Awards. Thus, by focusing on proven mechanisms, good practices and approaches for both back-office integration and front office channels, including multi-channel service delivery, the Workshop will encapsulate a state-of-the-art panorama for enhancing public service delivery based on factual evidence and experience of e-Government development for the Post-2015 Development Agenda.



Session 1 - E-Government and Sustainable Development

Session 2 - e-Vision and e-Strategies

Session 3 - e-government Institutional Frameworks

Session 4 - E-government Legal and Regulatory Frameworks

Session 5 - Interoperability for Institutional Integration

Session 6 - Multi-stakeholders Partnership and Cooperation

Session 7 - Regional and International Cooperation on e-government for sustainable Development

Contact us:

Mr. Vincenzo Aquaro, Chief, e-Government Branch
Division of Public Administration and Development Management
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Phone: 1-917-367-4524
Fax:     1-212-963-0522

Substantive Matters:

Ms. Elida Reci 
Governance and Public Administration Officer, e-Government Branch
Division of Public Administration and Development Management
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Phone: 1-917-367-4082
E-mail: @email

Mr. Jonas Rabinovitch
Senior Inter-regional Advisor, e-Government Branch
Division of Public Administration and Development Management
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Tel: 1-212-963-5603
E-mail: @email

Administrative Matters:

Ms. Rosanne Greco, e-Government Branch
Division of Public Administration and Development Management
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Tel: 1-212-963-4078
E-mail: @email

Ms. Madeleine Losch, e-Government Branch
Division of Public Administration and Development Management
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Tel:     1-212-963-7508
E-mail: @email

Workshop 3 - Closing the Gender Gap Through Innovative Public Service Delivery - by UN WOMEN

Within the 2015 United Nations Public Service Forum, Day and Awards Ceremony, the Forum will include a set of capacity building workshops, including one that addresses innovative gender-responsive public service delivery. UN Women will take the lead in organizing this workshop. For the 2015 Forum, the proposed theme for the workshop is “Closing the Gender Gap through Innovative Public Service Delivery.” 

Background Documents


Contact us

Begoña Lasagabaster 

Chief, Leadership and Governance Section
Policy Division, UN Women
Phone: 646-781-4598646-781-4598
Zohra Khan 
Policy Advisor, Governance and National Planning
Policy Division, UN Women 
Phone: 646-781-4648646-781-4648
Ammayle Kasi 
Consultant, Governance and National Planning
Policy Division, UN Women 
Email: @email
Phone: 646-781-4588646-781-4588

Workshop 4 - Public Service Management Models - Organized by the Government of Colombia

This workshop addresses new proposals on how to improve current models of governance to the challenges set out in the Post 2015 Development Agenda.

Objectives include;

a) Identify opportunities for improvement over the current situation of public management models.

b) Creatively define the most pressing challenges that the current governance models face.

c) Devise new possible solutions on how to solve the challenges identified.

d) Translate the proposals in both written format allowing visual as- be input to the conclusions and recommendations of the event.



Contact Us

Felipe Andrés Solano Castro

International Relations

Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications, Colombia

Email: @email

Tel: +(571) 344 2270 Ext 3348

Workshop 5 - Internet Governance for Innovation and Sustainable Development - Organized by DPADM/DESA and IGF Secretariat

The primary objective of the proposed workshop is to strengthen the capacities of government officials and other relevant stakeholders to better understand, participate in and utilize the global Internet governance ecosystem for promoting and building an open, non-fragmented and accessible Internet that can both foster innovation for pursuing the post-2015 development agenda and meet the challenges of sustainable development.



Contact Us

Mr. Vyacheslav Cherkasov

Senior Governance and Public Administration Officer

Development Management Branch

Division of Public Administration and Development Management

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Email: @email


Mr. Chengetai Masango

Programme and Technology Officer

Internet Governance Forum Secretariat

Email: @email

Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting: Innovating Public Service Delivery for Sustainable Development - Organized by DPADM/DESA

The Expert Group Meeting on Innovating Public Service Delivery for Sustainable Development aims to further the thinking of the participants on how to promote innovations and transformation in the public sector and strengthen public administration capacities for effective, efficient, responsive, equitable and accountable delivery of public services for sustainable development.

The Meeting will explore the emerging issues, challenges and approaches to innovative public service delivery by national governments which have been successful in providing valuable services. Borrowing on the successful cases of innovative public service delivery at the national and local levels, it will review newer concepts and innovative practices and present lessons learnt from practices around the world which have improved efficiency, gender responsiveness, transparency, accountability and inclusion in public sector delivery.

The discussions will present the participants, especially national government policy and decision-makers and practitioners in the public sector, with useful options to better understand the challenges associated with public service delivery. This will stimulate new thinking about possible strategies and offer lessons learned based on good practices from around the world.

The EGM will present expert point of views in a variety of disciplines to explore state-of-the-art approaches to public service delivery, which, underpinned by effective, transparent, accountable and responsive governance could contribute to an integrated framework for pursuing sustainable development by the world community. In doing so, the EGM will also focus on how innovative governance solutions to PSD can be leveraged by the national governments to add value to PSD for the achievement of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

The Meeting will review public administration and governance paradigms, and assess conceptual and methodological approaches to better understand what drives innovations in public service delivery. The EGM will focus on the following question:

Background Documents


Session I: Plenary Session of the EGM: Overview and Setting the Context


Session II: Governance Challenges For Innovative Public Service Delivery


Session III: Innovative Approaches: What we have learnt


Session IV: Capacity Building for Innovative Solutions in Public Service Delivery


Contact Us

Seema Hafeez
Senior Economic Affairs Officer

Division for Public Administration and Development Management

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Email: @email

Tel +1 917 367 3025