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Event Date: -
Country: Bangkok, Thailand
Event Topic: Open Government Data

Government officials, representatives from civil society and private sector of eight countries in East Asia gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, from 3-6 October 2016 to exchange experiences on advancing open government data for sustainable development. The participants have also analysed and provided inputs to OGD action plans earlier drafted by the governments of Bangladesh and Nepal based on their experience of rolling out similar initiatives in other countries. They reflected on how to maximize the impact of OGD advancement strategies for implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) through increasing access to information for transparency, accountability and responsive public service delivery. The workshop was co-organized by DESA/DPADM and the Economic and Social Commission for Aisa and Pacific (ESCAP) under the project on “Strengthening of Capacities of Developing Countries to Provide Access to Information for Sustainable Development through Open Government Data”. The workshop participants have also attended the inaugural session of the Committee on Information and Communication Technology, Science, Technology and Innovation (CICTSTI) organized on 5-7 October 2016 by the UN ESCAP back to back of the OGD workshop. The CICTSTI sessions covered a wide range of policy issues on ICT and regional capacity building, which complemented discussions on OGD action planning for the countries in Asia-Pacific region.