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Empowering Digital Transformation: Building National and Local Capacities in Southern and Eastern Africa

Event Website : The joint event organized by UN DESA, UN ECA, UNU-EGOV has several components: The launch of the South and East Africa Digital Governance Forum. Please visit building activitiesAfrica Launch of the UN E-Government Survey 2024 And other relevant sessions during the annual meeting of ICEGOVGovernments play a pivotal role in delivering public services and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (… Read More

Online Training Workshop on Changing Mindsets and Strengthening Governance Capacities for Policy Coherence for a Holistic Implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the Arab region 

UNDESA/DPIDG is finalizing a Curriculum on Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals. Its objective is to provide ready-to-use training material on key governance pillars needed to implement the 2030 Agenda. Within this context, two toolkits of the Curriculum, namely one on Changing Mindsets in Public Institutions and another on Institutional Capacities for Policy Coherence, are pilot tested in the Arab region. Through testing these Governance-specific toolkits, this Training Workshop… Read More