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Event Date: -
Country: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Event Topic: Open Government Data

DPADM in cooperation with the United Nations Project Office for Governance (UNPOG) organised a Study Tour on Open Government Data (OGD) in Seoul, Republic of Korea as part of the DA project on "Strengthening of Capacities of Developing Countries to Provide Access to Information for Sustainable Development through Open Government Data (OGD)" from 9 to 12 August 2016. Eight government and civil society representatives from Bangladesh (Access to information Program (a2i)) and Nepal (National Information Commission (NIC)) were hosted by the Ministry of Interior (MOI) and National Information Society (NAI) of Republic of Korea. 

The meetings provided members of the Bangladeshi and Nepali delegations with an opportunity to learn from their peers in public service on a range of OGD-related topics, and enhance their capacity to develop open government data strategy, improve internal use/reuse of data and automate publication processes of data. 

Participants shared positive feedback and valued the opportunity provided for interactive discussions and networking. The findings and inputs from the Study Tour will inform the drafting of the OGD national action plans for Bangladesh and Nepal before October 2016.