UN DESA's work is supported by a growing series of strategy guidance notes on the many facets of effective governance for sustainable development which embody the knowledge and experience of hundreds of committed expert practitioners and academics from around the world. UN DESA gratefully acknowledges their very generous contribution of time and effort to thinking deeply about how to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels and deliver on the shared vision for people and planet embodied in the 2030 Agenda.
In reading these strategy guidance notes, individuals in government ministries and agencies who are less familiar with a topic will be able to understand the fundamentals. Those who have taken initial steps with limited follow-through or impact will be able to identify how to adjust elements of their practice to achieve better results and to better embed and institutionalize the strategy in their organizations. Finally, those who are more advanced will be able to recognize the practices which contribute to its success.
Technical guidance for government officials
Sound policymaking | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on strategic planning and foresight Lead author: Cat Tully, Founder and Managing Director, School of International Futures Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on regulatory impact assessment Lead author: Claudio Radaelli, Professor of Comparative Public Policy, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on promotion of coherent policymaking Lead author: Måns Nilsson, Executive Director, Stockholm Environment Institute Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on strengthening of national statistical systems Lead author: Lisa Grace Bersales, Professor and Vice President for Planning and Finance, University of the Philippines Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on monitoring and evaluation systems Lead author: Dorothy Lucks, Executive Director, SDF Global Pty Ltd and Co-Chair, EVALSDGs Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on science-policy interface Lead author: Kristiann Allen, Executive Secretary, International Network for Government Science Advice Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on risk management frameworks Lead author: Rolf Alter, Senior Fellow, Hertie School of Governance Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on data sharing Lead author: Martin Romitti, Director, LMI Institute and Senior Vice President, Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness Other experts | |
Transparency | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on fiscal and budget transparency Lead author: Raquel Ferreira, Senior Technical Advisor, Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT) Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on registries of beneficial ownership Lead author: Andres Knobel, Consultant, Tax Justice Network Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on lobbying registers Lead author: Raj Chari, Professor, Political Science, Trinity College, Dublin Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on open government data Lead author: Silvana Fumega Other experts | |
Leaving no one behind | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on promotion of social equity Lead author: Kate Bird, Chronic Poverty Advisory Network and Overseas Development Institute, United Kingdom Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on systematic follow-up and review Lead author: David O'Connor, IUCN Permanent Observer to the United Nations Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on data disaggregation (forthcoming) | |
Non-discrimination | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on promotion of public sector workforce diversity Lead author: Sonia M. Ospina, Professor Emerita, RF Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University Other experts | |
Participation | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on participatory budgeting Lead author: Giovanni Allegretti, Senior Researcher, Centre for Social Studies, Coimbra University | |
Subsidiarity | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on fiscal federalism and decentralization Lead author: Paul Smoke, Professor of Public Finance and Planning, New York University Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on strengthening urban governance Lead author: Brian H. Roberts, Emeritus Professor at the University of Canberra, Australia Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on strengthening municipal finance and local finance systems Lead author: Astrid Haas, Urban Economist and Adjunct Professor at the School of Cities at the University of Toronto, Extraordinary Lecturer at the African Tax Institute, University of Pretoria and Research Associate at the African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town Other experts |
CEPA strategy guidance note on enhancement of local capacity for prevention, adaptation and mitigation of external shocks Lead author: Allan Lavell, Research Associate at the Latin American Social Faculty, Costa Rica and founding member of the Latin American Network for the Social Study of Disaster Prevention (LA RED) Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on multi-level governance Lead author: Hanna Kleider, Associate Professor, King's College London Other experts | |
Intergenerational equity | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on impact assessment for sustainable development Lead author: Richard K. Morgan, Emeritus Professor, University of Otago Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on long-term public debt management Lead author: José Maurel, Founder, Public Debt Management Practice and former Director, Special Advisory Services Division, Commonwealth Secretariat Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on long-term territorial planning and spatial development Lead author: Frank J. D'hondt, Director, Territorial Capital Institute and Secretary-General, International Society of City and Regional Planners Other experts | |
CEPA strategy guidance note on ecosystem management Lead author: Geoffrey Garver, Researcher, McGill University Other experts |