171 Was launched to provide the society of UAE (Citizens, Residents, Visitors, Businesses) with channels (i.e. call center, WhatsAPP and email) where they can get all the COVID19 updates related to federal government services (e.g. decisions on expiring visas, IDs, Passports, birth and death certificates, Licenses renewals, social aid, fees discounts, grace periods…..etc). Agents from participating entities work remotely from home where they can answer the calls In addition, UAE availed more than 180 of the UAE federal government services (the highest in demand and volume) online in one place. Services include visa renewals, passports renewal, work permits, attestation.
Also on another direction UAE created a Booklet that captures all important contact information for all federal entities and their e-services (the highest in demand and volume).For each entity, the booklet captures the following: call centre contact details, website, link to download mobile app.
Prime Minister Office