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This compendium, prepared by the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), aims to capture emerging trends in digital responses of UN Member States against the COVID-19 pandemic along with other digital government initiatives and provide a preliminary analysis of their main features. These cases are shared for exchange of information so that Member States can learn from each other and possibly create new partnerships.

• Spread awareness about Covid-19
• Detect violators of rules and regulations
• Al-Asas security robots are robots that perform patrols in both residential and public areas of the country to educate the community on the importance of preventing gatherings.
• It will also detect violators during its rounds as each robot is equipped with 6 fixed cameras and is controlled by the security systems management. It also has a face recognition feature which is linked to the government database in the National Command Centre (NCC) to detect violators and penalize them with the assigned imprisonment sanction for a period not exceeding three years and a fine not exceeding QR 200,000, or by either of these two penalties.


Ministry of Interior

Digital Government
Social distancing
