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This compendium, prepared by the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), aims to capture emerging trends in digital responses of UN Member States against the COVID-19 pandemic along with other digital government initiatives and provide a preliminary analysis of their main features. These cases are shared for exchange of information so that Member States can learn from each other and possibly create new partnerships.

The Contact Centres provide support to citizens and companies regarding digital services in the ePortugal and solutions such as the electronic identification (means of entering in the Health National portal “patient area”). It provides telephone, email and AI-based (virtual assistant) support.
In a very short timeframe of a few days, AMA set in place, by itself and with other entities, the following actions:
- Adaptation of the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) used by the Contact Centre, in articulation with the Contact Centres of other public entities providing critical services; - Relocation of all Contact Centre operators to teleworking; - Reinforcement of human resources allocated to the Citizen Contact Centre with employees of the Citizen Shops (coordinated by AMA, it is a network of one-stop-shops that provide public services and services of public interest in one single facility);
- Development of an E-learningtraining program for the workers mentioned in the previous point.


Administrative Modernization Agency (AMA)

Digital Government

Webisite, Chatbot