This application was created by Slovak volunteers and experts in a short time to stop the spread of the pandemics. The application shows the map and the latest information about infections in individual districts. Its purpose is not to identify positively tested people, and it doesn’t have access to this type of information. The map shows just the statistical number of COVID-19 cases in a broader area. The app also contains statistical information about the number of positively tested, cured people, and the number of deaths caused by a novel coronaVirus. User can also find information about how to protect themselves, recognize symptoms and shows essential emergency numbers.“CoronaVirus” tab was added to the application summarising information about the standards of the transport of COVID-19 patient, guidance of the principal public health officer as well as relevant websites with further information on the coronaVirus. Helath care workers receive the most up-to-date information about adopted measures of the Ministry of Health, Publich Health Authority and Social Insurance Agency.
National Health Information Center (NCZI)