Main Expectations: Increase the capacity and knowledge of e-Government across Government Istitutions and Agencies.
Objective/Purpose of Project: To provide advisory services throughout the phase of the project to support the creation of the Arab Centre for eContent Development.
The following activities are envisaged:
1. Provide substantial support in developing a strategy to delvier to set goals of the Centre;
2. Participation in the recruitment of the Project professional staff;
3. Provide inputs to the strategic direction and vision of the Centre;
4. Participate in the meetings as deemed necessary by UNDP and the government counterpart (eGA);
5. Provide inputs to develop strategies to improve Arab e-COntent under the Project;
6. Provide inputs in developing customer satisfaction survey;
7. Assist in identifying e-government capacity gaps in government institutions within the mandate of the project.
Cooperation Partners: E-Govt Authority
Time Frame: November 2009 – December 2011
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$ 62,100
Division: DMB