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Main Expectations:

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) serves to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals, in discussions on public policy issues relating to the Internet. While there is no negotiated outcome, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors. At their annual meeting delegates discuss, exchange information and share good practices with each other. The IGF facilitates a common understanding of how to maximize Internet opportunities and address risks and challenges that arise.

Objective/Purpose of Project: The issue of Internet governance was one of the most controversial issues at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), which was held in two phases in Geneva, 2003, and in Tunis, 2005. Cognizant of the need for development of public policy on matters related to key elements of Internet governance by governments in consultation with all stakeholders, WSIS requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations to convene a new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue – called the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Recognizing the importance of the Forum to fostering the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the Internet, as well as its role in building partnerships among different stakeholders, the United Nations General Assembly decided to renew the mandate of the IGF under the patronage of the Secretary-General for a further five years, from 2011 to 2015 (resolution 65/141 of 20 December 2010). The main objective of the project is to achieve increased understanding, through multi-stakeholder dialogue, on key elements of Internet governance as defined in the Tunis Agenda for Information Society.

Key Accomplishments (to-date):
- A small Secretariat was set up in Geneva to support the IGF, and the UN Secretary-General appointed a group of advisers, representing all stakeholder groups, to assist him in convening the IGF. The United Nations General Assembly agreed in December 2010 to extend the IGF’s mandate for another five years. The IGF is financed through voluntary contributions.
- The IGF held its 10th annual meeting on the theme, "Evolution of Internet Governance: Empowering Sustainable Development", in João Pessoa, Brazil, on 10 to 13 November 2015.
- This year's IGF focused on a range of sub-themes, including Cybersecurity and Trust; Internet Economy; Inclusiveness and Diversity; Openness; Enhancing Multistakeholder Cooperation; Internet and Human Rights; Critical Internet Resources and Emerging Issues.

Time Frame:January 2014 - July 2016

Funding: Brazil
Proposed Budget: US$3,518,594.00
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries: Developing Countries
Comment: project concluded
Focus Countries:
Developing Countries