Main Expectations: The project has developed general and specialized training courses and workshops, including trainer of trainers’ workshops. Specialization courses offered in: election observation; human rights in peace operations; disarmament, demobilization, reintegration; negotiation skills for African diplomats; and election management. The project envisages implementing mission-oriented training courses for regional or sub-regional organizations. Specialized ad-hoc training course will also be conducted upon request from bilateral agencies, national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Objective/Purpose of Project: This project was developed as a response to the dearth of trained African civilian personnel for peace support operations. Its main objective is to provide a ready pool of trained and skilled African personnel to fill the civilian component of field peace support operations.
Key Accomplishments (to-date): The project was particularly successful because through these training courses, participants were provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to operate carefully and effectively in international field missions. It also developed participants’ training skills and methodologies to assist them to replicate their experiences through the organization of small scale training activities in their localities.
Cooperation Partners: Legon Centre for International Affairs (LECIA) at the University of Ghana and the International Training Programme for Conflict Management (ITPCM) of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna located in Pisa/Italy
Time Frame: December 2003 - December 2009
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$2,487,300
Division: PACB