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The Compendium of Innovative E-government Practices is a compilation of recent case studies of innovative e-government solutions, services and applications. The Compendium does not promote one solution over another, but rather highlights e-government practices that place the citizen in the forefront. In this edition are 145 case studies from 55 countries, which have been organized by all the world regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and North America and the Caribbean. The case studies cover a wide range of innovative practices, including e-democracy, gender equality, e-education, e-commerce, information access, and citizen service delivery.

In developing this Compendium, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs aims to provide not only a tool for knowledge management, but also a venue for the promotion and sharing of these cost-effective, innovative solutions for the benefit of all.


File added date: July 2021
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