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| Manuals and Guidelines

Handbook on strengthening budget credibility through external audits – Spanish version

“Strengthening Budget Credibility through External Audits: An Auditor’s Handbook”  is now available in Spanish. Published by  DPIDG/UN DESA and the International Budget Partnership (IBP), the Handbook is the output of a two-year…
| Compendia

Compendium of Basic United Nations Terminology in Governance and Public Administration

At its sixth session, the Committee of Experts on Public Administration expressed appreciation to the Chair and the members of the working group on basic United Nations terminology in governance and public administration for its preliminary report…
| UN E-Government Surveys | Digital Government

E-government Landscape

E-government Landscape Since the mid -1990s governments around the world have been executing major initiatives in order to tap the vast potential of the internet for the distinct purpose of improving and perfecting the governing process. Like the…