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| Policy Briefs | Digital Government

COVID-19: Embracing Digital Government During the Pandemic and Beyond

The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing governments and societies to turn toward digital technologies to respond to the crisis in the short-term, resolve socio-economic repercussions in the mid-term and reinvent existing policies and tools in the long-term…
| Compendia | Digital Government | Public Service Innovation

Compendium of Innovative Practices in Public Governance and Administration for Sustainable Development

This Compendium of Innovative Practices in Public Governance and Administration for Sustainable Development explores three shifts in government-society interactions that have had significant impact on public administration and public service . These…
| Compendia | Digital Government

Compendium of Innovative E-Government Practices, Volume V

The main objective of developing the UN/DESA Compendium of Innovative E-government Practices as an ongoing project is to create a venue for sharing and disseminating innovative e-government solutions, services and products developed and/or adopted…
| Compendia | Digital Government | Participation and Accountability

Compendium of ICT Applications on Electronnic Government, Volume 3: Mobile Applications on Citizen Engagement

This Compendium of ICT Applications on Electronic Government is a unique collection of current ICT applications being used directly by or in partnership with governments, governmental institutions and the private sector around the world to support…
| Compendia | Digital Government

Compendium of Innovative E-Government Practices, Volume IV

In the face of increasing demands on governments to become more effective and efficient, coupled with a need to pay more attention to user needs, governments have been forced to rethink their approach to service delivery. Although many countries…
| Expert Group Meeting Reports | Digital Government | Participation and Accountability

Report of the Expert Group Meeting on E-Procurement: Towards Transparency and Efficiency in Public Service Delivery

This is a concept paper prepared in response to the demand from United Nations Member States in understanding the challenges, potential and available options in improving or developing E-Procurement systems.   This paper is based on a series of…
| Expert Group Meeting Reports | Digital Government

Report of the Expert Group Meeting on E-Government Survey: Getting to the Next Level

The United Nations E-Government Survey is one of the major recurrent flagship publications of the Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). It has…
| UN E-Government Surveys | Digital Government

From E-Government to Connected Governance

From E-Government to Connected Governance The UN E-Government Survey 2008: From E-Government to Connected Governance assesses the E-Government Development of the 192 Member States of the UN according to a quantitative composite index of e-readiness…
| UN E-Government Surveys | Digital Government

From E-Government to E-Inclusion

From E-Government to E-Inclusion The spread of information technologies to a select group of people in the world is worsening disparities between the e-haves and the e-have-nots. There is a danger that unequal diffusion of technology, far from…
| UN E-Government Surveys | Digital Government

Towards Access for Opportunity

Towards Access for OpportunityEconomic and social empowerment today rests on the ability to access, gather, analyze and utilize information and knowledge to widen individual choices for political, economic, social, cultural and behavioral decisions…
| UN E-Government Surveys | World Public Sector Reports | Digital Government

World Public Sector Report 2003

E-Government at the CrossroadsThe World Public Sector Report 2003 presents a view of e-government as a tool for creating public value. It puts e-government development in the context of the United Nations Millennium Declaration, the Report claims…
| Publications | Digital Government

Government Information Systems

Inexpensive and powerful microcomputers, telecommunications technologies, and information systems have become an essential element of the development process of developing countries. Information systems for governance and public administration, as…