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The World e-Parliament Conference 2009 took place at the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C., on 3, 4 and 5 November 2009. The conference was co-organized by the United Nations, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the U.S. House of Representatives and the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament. The conference built on the outcome of the second World e-Parliament Conference held at the European Parliament in Brussels in 2008, as well as on the findings of the World e Parliament Report 2008. It provided a platform to exchange views on the latest trends and different modali­ties of implementation of new technologies in legislatures with a view to identify good practices in the areas of representation, transparency, ac­countability, openness, and effectiveness.

This report summarizes the presentations and practices showcased during the different sessions and highlights the main points of discussion. In the document the proceedings are grouped un­der six chapters with the purpose of reflecting the overall structure of the conference while keeping the focus on the specific nature of the sessions.


File added date: July 2021
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