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Key Products and Services

Key Products and Services by Topic in Support of Capacity Development


Transformational Leadership and New Mindsets to Implement the SDGs

Relevant Publications

Relevant Events

Relevant Online Courses

Relevant Training of Trainers Toolkits

Global Network of Schools of Public Administration

Competency Framework for Public Servants and Transformational Leadership for SDG Implementation 


Accountability and Participation

Relevant Publications

Relevant Events

Relevant Online Courses

Relevant Training of Trainers Toolkits

Measurement and Evaluation Tool for Citizen Engagement and e-Participation - METEP

Citizen Engagement Self–Assessment Questionnaire

Open Government Data (OGD) Readiness Assessment 

Guide on Lessons for Open Government Data Action Planning for Sustainable Development

Handbook on How Supreme Audit Institutions Can Assess and Address Budget Credibility through External Audits 

How to Design and Implement Institutional Mechanisms to Promote Better Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals [Upcoming]


Digital Government

Relevant Publications

Relevant Events

Relevant Online Courses

Relevant Training of Trainers Toolkits


Public Institutions

Principles of Effective Governance for Sustainable Development

Relevant Publications

Relevant Events

Relevant Online Courses

Relevant Training of Trainers Toolkits

Readiness Assessment on Implementing the Principles of Effective Governance for Sustainable Development 

Institutional Readiness Assessment for Policy Coherence 

Reconstructing Public Administration after Conflict Guidance Toolkit 


Public Service Innovation

Relevant Publications

Relevant Events

Relevant Online Courses

Relevant Training of Trainers Toolkits


Local Governance

Relevant Publications

Relevant Events

Relevant Online Courses

Relevant Training of Trainers Toolkits

Local Online Service Index (LOSI) - The United Nations E-Government Development Database (UNeGovDD) is a benchmarking tool that provides a comparative assessment of the e-government development of UN Member States. It offers an interactive snapshot of each country’s e-government development from a regional and global perspective.

Handbook on Effective National to Local Governance for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Handbook on “Strengthening Resilience in Cities and Local Communities through Innovation and Digital Government” 

Handbook on "Promoting Local Innovation for Inclusion of People in Vulnerable Situations and Leaving No One Behind" 

Handbook on "Digital Transformation in Local Government: Leadership, Human Resources, and Organizational Structure" 

Handbook on "Fostering Collaborative Public Administration for Local Governments" 

Handbook on "Social Value in Local Governments"