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Information System “Baby, Welcome to the World“ (a.k.a. “eBaby“) which started to operate in April 2016 enables parents to register their newborns and submit requests for parental allowances as early as in maternity wards. “eBaby” supports the procedure for registering a newborn in the Central Registry of Births, registration for compulsory health insurance, registration of residence, application for a health insurance card, and submitting requests for parental allowances and additional benefits provided at local level.
Notifications on process steps that are completed are delivered to parents via SMS and email, and all the documents issued including a health insurance card, are delivered at parents’ home address free of charge and at no cost. Newborn registration is simple and at no cost. Parents’ only obligation is to present a valid ID card and agree on the baby’s name. Everything else is done by the nurses through the national eGovernment Portal eUprava. The system, through the service bus, communicates with 7 different agencies for more than 10 transactions and makes sure that the baby is registered in all relevant government databases. “eBaby” is available in every maternity ward in Serbia (around 60).



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