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ROA 206-8: Strengthening Capacities of the Public Sector in Least Developed Countries to Deliver Quality Services Equitably through the Transfer and Adaptation of Innovative Practices

Main Expectations: The project aims to strengthen capacities of the public sector in LDCs to deliver quality services equitably. This will be achieved through training, as well as sharing of knowledge and best practices. It will also provide an opportunity for LDCs to implement, at their request, new and innovative public administration practices identified through the UNPSA programme. It has been noted that while some countries are striving to find solutions to challenges that stand in their way to achieving the MDGs, others have already found workable and effective solutions to similar challenges. Adapting and replicating these solutions would save time and resources of those countries that are still searching for solutions. Through capacity building workshops, study tours to understand the best practices for adaptation and replication, online training conducted through UNPAN, and defaultrmation sharing, the project will contribute to strengthening the capacities of the public sector to deliver services by promoting and supporting the following: discovery of best practices, dissemination of the best practices, supporting adaptation and replication of the best practices upon demand from the Least Developed countries, and facilitating structured learning processes.

Objective/Purpose of Project: The overall purpose of the Project is to contribute to building public administration capacities in LDCs to provide quality services equitably for supporting the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals. The specific focus of the project is to enhance institutional and human resource capacities of the public sector in LDCs to deliver services; improve processes and mechanisms to involve citizens in the design and delivery of services, and encourage an organizational culture that promotes innovation in service delivery. The project will be delivered through workshops, on-line trainings and the transfer and adaptation of innovative practices.

Key Accomplishments: As a result of EGM deliberations, the project implementation strategy was refined and tailored to the needs of the target countries. 16 LDCs participated and received much needed training in transfer and adaptation of relevant innovative practices for improved public service delivery. Preparations for the first Study Tour to Bahrain at the end of January 2014 as well as for the second capacity-building Workshop to be held in mid-March in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia are underway.

Cooperation Partners: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UN-Women, United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Time Frame: June 2014 – December 2016
Funding: Development Account (DA)
Proposed Budget: US$ 592,000
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, Panama and Uruguay
Comment: The four countries above were the ones targeted as part of the Development Account Project on Open Government. Uruguay and Panama are not LDCs. There seems to be a discrepancy between the focus countries and the project being described.
Project Final Report