From innovation hubs and policy experiments to regulatory sandboxes
Digital technologies carry a promise to fast track sustainable development by supporting innovative, forwarding-looking policies and digital government solutions. There are,…
This Handbook is developed based on the Traning of Trainer Toolkit on Risk-informed Governance and Innovative Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Resilience. The overall learning outcome of this training toolkit is to meet the…
This report summarizes presentations and outcomes of a facilitated online training workshop on Innovation, Digital Government and Public Service Delivery for Sustainable Development, which was jointly organized by the United Nations Department of…
The Digital Government Capability Assessment (DGCA) is a six-dimension framework of enablers to engage governments in discussions towards digital government transformation. Considering that digital government requires a multifaceted response from…
Leveraging digital technologies for social inclusion
Key messages
COVID-19 is accelerating the pace of digital transformation. In so doing, it is opening the opportunities for advancing social progress and fostering social inclusion, while…