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Empowering Digital Transformation: Spreading Digitalization in Public Sector (Latin America and the Caribbean)

| 08:30 am - 06:00 pm GMT-3
Over the past decade Governments have given a growing importance and priority to digital transformation, resulting in more people benefiting from the efficiencies and conveniences of digital government services. Countries gradually improve the overall e-government development by investing in telecommunications infrastructure, online services delivery, and extended access to public information. At the same time, the disparities and digital divides remain significant within and between the… Read More

Empowering Digital Transformation: Spreading Digitalization in Public Sector

| 08:30 am - 06:00 pm GMT+2
Over the past decade, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, the Governments have given a growing importance and priority to digital transformation, resulting in more people benefiting from the efficiencies and conveniences of digital government services, reflected in the findings of the 2024 UN E-Government Survey. Countries gradually improve the overall e-government development by investing in telecommunications infrastructure, online services delivery, and extended access to public… Read More

Joint UNDESA and APS-HRMnet Capacity Development Workshop on “ Reaffirming state-people governance relationships through the lenses of Human Resource Managers in Africa”

| 08:30 am - 05:00 pm East Africa Time (UTC+3)
UN DESA/DPIDG will join efforts with APS-HRMnet to organize a Joint Capacity Development Workshop on the theme “Reaffirming state-people governance relationships through the lenses of Human Resource Managers in Africa”. The event will be fully integrated into the 8th Annual Conference of African Public Service-Human Resource Managers Network (APS-HRMnet) on the theme "Bringing citizens and government closer: The Role of Human Resource Management in service delivery for… Read More

Regional Symposium on Mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals in the Curricula of Schools of Public Administration in Africa

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), the African Management Development Institutes’ Network (AMDIN), the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA), the Kenya School of Government (KSG), and the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-Africa)/African Local Government Academy (ALGA) are co-organizing an online Regional Symposium on… Read More