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UN DESA’s Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) provides capacity building and policy advice to countries, upon their request, to strengthen governments’ capacities to translate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other internationally agreed goals into institutional arrangements, strategies and programmes for effective service delivery and participatory, accountable and inclusive decision-making processes. It does so through several modalities, including the implementation of development cooperation projects listed below.


Current Projects

The project aims to assist the efforts of governments in four target countries - Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam, by encouraging the prioritization of innovation practices and fostering innovation experimentation in the public sector in line with their existing national development…
The project aims to enhance the capacities of government officials to promote new mindsets needed in support of digital transformation and innovation and changing mindsets for stronger public institutions, to ensure the benefits of improved service delivery and leave no one behind...
Lead by UN DESA (DPIDG, EAPD, DSDG, UNFFS) and in partnership with UNECA, RCOs in the respective Countries, UNCTs, and UNITAR, this project aims to strengthen the capacity of Mauritius, Seychelles, Guinea-Bissau and Jamaica to formulate and implement integrated...
This project seeks to address existing challenges and gaps in digital data management and cooperation, focusing on enhancing the institutional capacities of countries to utilize, manage, and govern data in a comprehensive, objective and evidence-based manner, through regional and global cooperation…
The United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG) is part of the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). Its principal mission is to strengthen the...
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) serves to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals, in discussions on public policy issues relating to the Internet. While there is no negotiated outcome, the IGF informs and inspires...
The objective of the SDG 16 Conference is to support the reflection and actions of the international community on issues related to SDG 16 by facilitating inclusive stock-taking and dialogues on the challenges and opportunities for furthering people-centred governance. In doing so, the Conference…

Past Projects

UN DESA Project on Frontier Technology Policy Experimentation and Regulatory Sandboxes in Asia and the Pacific (2020-2024)

Brief Description:

Frontier technologies carry a promise to fast track the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through supporting innovative, forwarding-looking policies and solutions. There are, however, numerous risks and complexities of digital technologies that come along with those opportunities, as well as policy and regulatory challenges. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has not only brought about unprecedented challenges to sustainable development, but have also accelerated digital government and digital transformation in many areas. At the same time, the pandemic has exposed harsh fragilities and digital divides especially for countries in special situations.


The overall purpose of the project is to enhance the institutional capacity of selected countries in special situations, namely the: (i) least developed countries (LDCs); (ii) landlocked developing countries (LLDC); and (iii) small island developing States (SIDS). The specific focus of the project is to conceptualize, develop and implement policy experimentation and/or regulatory sandboxes on new technologies, as an innovative and catalytic approach to accelerate the progress of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Key Accomplishments:

The evidence of the result, if achieved, will include the following aspects: (i) Enhanced institutional capacity of selected countries to identify opportunities and gaps (institutional, policy, regulatory, and infrastructure support) on policy experimentation and regulatory sandboxes in new technologies, and where relevant, in support of COVID-19 response and/or recovery; (ii) Improved capacity of target countries to conceptualize and implement pragmatic solutions on operationalizing policy experimentation and regulatory sandboxes in new technologies, in specific areas/sectors related to SDG targets, and COVID-19 recovery, where appropriate; and (iii) Enhanced global and regional dialogue and cooperation among countries and stakeholders on policy experimentation and regulatory sandboxes in new technologies; for possible scale-up and replication in other countries.

Project Page Link

Building institutional capacity for evidence- and data-based e-government policies in support of the Sustainable Development Goals - 1617B (2016 - 2019)

Expected Accomplishments: The objective of the Project 1617B is to support decision making to support the sustainable development agenda by building institutional capacity to collect analyse and use data on e-government. It is structured around two expected accomplishments, namely: (i.) to improve institutional capacity in target countries to collect, use and publish relevant e-government data and compile indicators for analysis, monitoring and evaluation of progress in e-government; and (ii) to strengthen institutional capacity, frameworks and approaches in target countries to implement e-government policies and strategies in support of selected SDGs and Targets and related decision-making based on data. Recipient countries will also be encouraged to participate and present their digital strategy and e-government initiatives in the annual review process of the SDGs through the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), as well as to feature their e-government tools to support specific SDGs and Targets through the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM).

Time Frame: 1 July 2016 – 31 December 2019

Focus Countries: Bangladesh, Ethiopia

Building capacities for promoting the presence and leadership of women within public institutions at national and local levels (2022 - 2024)

About the project:

The project aimed to enhance the presence and leadership of women in public institutions at national and local levels in Mauritius and Senegal, Bhutan, and Lao People’s Democratic Republic. In partnership with ECA, ESCAP, RCOs in the respective Countries, UNDP and UN Women, it strengthened the capacity of these governments to develop and implement an action plan that prioritizes gender equality and promotes women’s career progression towards leadership positions in the public sector. The project also stimulated a South-South knowledge transfer and cross-fertilization by enhancing the awareness of a broader group of governments, such as the partnering countries of Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Zambia, on the importance of prioritizing gender equality in public administration.


Enhance the presence and leadership of women in public institutions at national and local levels in selected countries of the Africa and Asia regions.


Direct beneficiaries included high- and mid-level government officials from ministries and governmental institutions at the national and subnational levels. Indirect beneficiaries include citizens and communities at large.

Key Accomplishments:

i) Enhanced capacity of governments in the project countries to develop and implement action plans that prioritize gender parity in public administration at the national and local levels; and ii) Enhanced awareness and understanding of government officials in partnering countries on the importance of and how to prioritize gender parity in public administration.

Global activities:

Promoting Women's Presence and Leadership in Public Institutions: Insights from a Project in Bhutan, Lao PDR, Mauritius, and Senegal

The study Promoting Women's Presence and Leadership in Public Institutions: Insights from a Project in Bhutan, Lao PDR, Mauritius, and Senegal is based on the XB (Italy) project building capacities for promoting the presence and leadership of women within public institutions at national and local levels. It examines the strategies, progress and challenges in the four project countries and proposes recommendations for future initiatives aimed at advancing gender equality in public institutions

Gender-inclusive Leadership and Public Sector Innovation for Sustainable Development: Empowering Women Leaders for Future-ready Public Administration

The event was held during the UN Public Service Forum in Incheon, Republic of Korea, from 24 to 26 June 2024. The workshop showcased advancements in capacity development and strategies for enhancing gender equality in public administration. Drawing on insights from action plans formulated by Bhutan, Lao PDR, Mauritius, and Senegal, the event underscored the critical importance of increasing the presence and leadership of women in national and subnational public administration. Such efforts are pivotal in advancing gender equality, bolstering governance accountability, and fostering sustainable development.

Regional workshops aimed at promoting the presence and leadership of women within public institutions 

The two workshops were held in Thailand from 22 to 25 April 2024 and Mauritius from 4 to 7 June 2024 to share countries’ experiences regarding strategies, policy changes, and institutional reforms aimed at fostering gender equality across all levels of public administration.”

Training modules on gender equality in public administration 

Developed in partnership with UNDP, the modules aim to assist officials and policymakers to recognize and tackle gender equality disparities in public institutions.

Moodle platform on promoting the presence and leadership of women in public administration 

This platform provides access to knowledge, resources and tools to help prioritize gender equality in public administration and promote women’s career progression towards leadership positions at the national and subnational levels of government.

Global Review of Existing Legislation and Organizational Policies and Analytical Framework for Promoting Women’s Access to Leadership Positions in Public Administration

This report, commissioned by UN DESA in the context of this project, highlights legislation and policies that promote women’s access to leadership positions in public administration in 15 countries. The report focuses on Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 16.

Global Review of Good Practices for Promoting Women’s Access to Leadership Positions in Public Administration

The report, commissioned by UN DESA in the context of this project, identifies good practices, trends, and lessons learned based on a desk review of country-level practices that are known to improve the representation and engagement of women in leadership roles in public administration around the globe. The report focuses on Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 16.

One-day virtual workshop, on 8 December 2022

The workshop organized by UN DESA in December 2022, presented the findings of the global review and the compilation of good practices that promote women’s access to leadership positions in public administration. It also presented the analytical framework to be used for the national in-depth reviews of gender gaps in public administration in Bhutan, Lao PDR, Mauritius and Senegal. 

Summary information on the project:

Project Implementation arrangements: UN-to-UN agreements with UNDP country offices in Bhutan, Lao PDR, Mauritius and Senegal and UN Women Central and West Africa’s Office in Senegal.

Project page Link


Strengthened capacities of developing countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative to advance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through enhanced development policy synergy, mutual learning and people-to-people ex


The objective of this project is to strengthen the knowledge and capabilities of senior policy makers and public servants in developing countries, in particular LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS that participate in the BRI, in the integrated and coherent implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the BRI projects, including through enhanced knowledge and expertise in the areas of policy synergies and coherence, transformative leadership, inter-ministerial coordination, among others.

Key Accomplishments: 

Enhanced capacities of senior policymakers and public servants in selected LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS to plan design and implement coherent, coordinated and harmonized national sustainable development strategies, policies and approaches to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, tapping into opportunities arising form BRI; Improved capacity of senior policymakers and public servants to initiate and spearhead cohesive, inclusive and transformative initiatives and projects in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs through whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, building on peer and mutual learning and exchange of national experiences in the context of Belt and Road Initiative; Updated materials, such as training curriculums and modules, for mutual learning that can be made online as well as used for future training, building on the findings and insights emerging from the workshops, seminars and study tours/field trips to be organized under this project.

Lead Division:   UN DESA/DPIDG   
Partners:   China National Academy of Governance, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences   
Donor:   Government of China   
Funding Source:   XB/Peace and Development Fund   
Budget:   $3,056,613   
Time Frame:   December 2021-November 2022   
Thematic Area:   Policy coherence, transformative leadership, governance, capacity development, SDG 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17   
Region:   Global   
Focus Countries:   Global, China

The Use of New Technology Policy Experimentation and Regulatory Sandboxes for Digital Transformation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: A Pilot Initiative (2021 - 2024)

Brief Description:

Technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for acceleration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and hold the potential to break through some of the most complex challenges. There are, however, numerous risks and complexities of digital technologies that come along with those opportunities, as well as policy and regulatory challenges. Kazakhstan has been striving to strike the right balance between cautious regulatory inspection and promoting technology-driven innovation in the country and has embarked on adapting legislation on new technologies. The project aims at providing technical assistance to Kazakhstan to foster the exchange of expertise on implementation of regulatory sandboxes and develop policy recommendations based on global good practices, procedures and methods.


The main objective of this project is to improve institutional capacity of public servants of Kazakhstan to design regulatory frameworks for frontier technologies and experimental innovation that can maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risks of technological advancement for implementation for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As complementation to the DA project 2124B on Regulatory Sandboxes, this project can expand the scope of project implementation and maximize the outputs.

1819G - Institutional arrangements for policy integration, coordination, and stakeholder engagement in SDG implementation and reviews in Asia and the Pacific

Objective/Purpose of Project: The objective of the Project 1819G is to strengthen the capacity of selected developing countries in Africa and Asia in organizing and mobilizing their institutions and public servants to enhance effectiveness and institutional coordination, public accountability, and engagement of key stakeholders in the implementation and review of the SDGs. The project is structured around two expected accomplishments, namely: (i) Improved capacity of beneficiary countries to mobilize public institutions and build their capacities for SDG implementation and review, according to country-specific circumstances and priorities, as well as ensure public accountability and engagement of key stakeholders; (ii) Enhanced capacity of beneficiary countries to formulate strategies and policies to strengthen the technical capability and skills of civil servants to support SDG implementation and review. Recipient countries will also be encouraged to participate and present their findings during the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), as well as to take part in other related divisional capacity development workshops.

Partners: ESCAP
Time Frame: April 2018 - 31 December 2021
Focus Countries: Buthan, Laos, Fiji, Vanuatu

1819C - Enhancing policy coherence for the SDGs through integrated assessments and institutional strengthening in Africa

Main Expectations: This project intends to build national capacities in two inter-related areas: on the use of modelling tools for the identification of synergies, interlinkages and trade-offs across sectors, goals and policies and on the mechanisms to strengthen institutional capacity to improve coordination and policy coherence in the design, implementation and evaluation of national policies for sustainable development. An integrated approach to capacity building is important to support countries, particularly developing countries.

Partners: EAPD, UNECA
Time Frame: April 2018 - 31 December 2021
Focus Countries:Cameroon, Ethiopia, Senegal

DA1617B: Evidence-based e-government policies for advancing governmental service delivery and accountability in support of the Sustainable Development Goals

Brief Description: The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) face multiple development challenges with limited resources, capacities and access to technologies. E-government can be leveraged to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Targets (UN General Assembly, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A/RES/70/1. . ). It is, therefore, critical that LDCs have the technical know-how to take advantage of this opportunity. Therefore, there is a need for knowledge transfer through development assistance, smart investments in information communications technology (ICT) infrastructure as well as flexible and effective use of e-government to bring about substantial returns on investment supporting the sustainable development agenda. Under the right conditions, such efforts will in turn deliver multiple benefits such as better access to essential services, including for the poorest and most disadvantaged groups. It can create savings by streamlining and simplifying government processes as well as enhance accountability and transparency.

In order to steadily build capacity in the area of e-government and identify areas of strength and weaknesses, LDCs need to measure their degree of e-government development. This requires using not just supply-side metrics but also demand-side metrics, such as the impact, usage and user satisfaction of online services in supporting the SDGs.

The objective of the Project 1617B is to support decision making to support the sustainable development agenda by building institutional capacity to collect analyse and use data on e-government. It is structured around two expected accomplishments, namely: (i.) to improve institutional capacity in target countries to collect, use and publish relevant e-government data and compile indicators for analysis, monitoring and evaluation of progress in e-government; and (ii) to strengthen institutional capacity, frameworks and approaches in target countries to implement e-government policies and strategies in support of selected SDGs and Targets and related decision-making based on data. Recipient countries will also be encouraged to participate and present their digital strategy and e-government initiatives in the annual review process of the SDGs through the United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), as well as to feature their e-government tools to support specific SDGs and Targets through the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM).

Objective/Purpose of Project: The overall objective of the project is to strengthen capacity of public sector institutions in selected least developed countries, in developing evidence- and data-based e-government policies to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Key Accomplishments: The expected accomplishement for the project are i) Improved institutional capacity in target countries to collect, analyse and publish e-government data and related sectoral data and ii) Strengthened institutional capacity in target countries to implement evidence-based government policies and strategies, in support of selected SDGs and Targets.

Cooperation Partners: International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN OHRLLS), UN Development Programme (UNDP) country offices, and the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development .

Time Frame: January 2017 – December 2019
Funding: Development Account (DA)
Proposed Budget:
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries: Bangladesh, Ethiopia
Click here to go to link to project page
Comment: The project has been extended until December 2019. It is being implemented by the Digital Government Branch (DGB).

ROA 206-8: Strengthening Capacities of the Public Sector in Least Developed Countries to Deliver Quality Services Equitably through the Transfer and Adaptation of Innovative Practices

Main Expectations: The project aims to strengthen capacities of the public sector in LDCs to deliver quality services equitably. This will be achieved through training, as well as sharing of knowledge and best practices. It will also provide an opportunity for LDCs to implement, at their request, new and innovative public administration practices identified through the UNPSA programme. It has been noted that while some countries are striving to find solutions to challenges that stand in their way to achieving the MDGs, others have already found workable and effective solutions to similar challenges. Adapting and replicating these solutions would save time and resources of those countries that are still searching for solutions. Through capacity building workshops, study tours to understand the best practices for adaptation and replication, online training conducted through UNPAN, and defaultrmation sharing, the project will contribute to strengthening the capacities of the public sector to deliver services by promoting and supporting the following: discovery of best practices, dissemination of the best practices, supporting adaptation and replication of the best practices upon demand from the Least Developed countries, and facilitating structured learning processes.

Objective/Purpose of Project: The overall purpose of the Project is to contribute to building public administration capacities in LDCs to provide quality services equitably for supporting the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals. The specific focus of the project is to enhance institutional and human resource capacities of the public sector in LDCs to deliver services; improve processes and mechanisms to involve citizens in the design and delivery of services, and encourage an organizational culture that promotes innovation in service delivery. The project will be delivered through workshops, on-line trainings and the transfer and adaptation of innovative practices.

Key Accomplishments: As a result of EGM deliberations, the project implementation strategy was refined and tailored to the needs of the target countries. 16 LDCs participated and received much needed training in transfer and adaptation of relevant innovative practices for improved public service delivery. Preparations for the first Study Tour to Bahrain at the end of January 2014 as well as for the second capacity-building Workshop to be held in mid-March in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia are underway.

Cooperation Partners: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UN-Women, United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Time Frame: June 2014 – December 2016
Funding: Development Account (DA)
Proposed Budget: US$ 592,000
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, Panama and Uruguay
Comment: The four countries above were the ones targeted as part of the Development Account Project on Open Government. Uruguay and Panama are not LDCs. There seems to be a discrepancy between the focus countries and the project being described.
Project Final Report

ROA 245-8A: Developing capacity for e-Participation: Engaging citizens in development policy and decision-making processes through ICTs

Objective/Purpose of Project: The objective of this project is to strengthen the capacity of developing countries to apply Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) for engaging citizens through e-participation for development results. One expected accomplishment includes enhanced knowledge of 1) government policy-makers, and 2) relevant business and civil society leaders on the current concepts, approaches, and best practices on e-participation. Another expected accomplishment is the increased capacity of the governments of at least three (3) countries to implement options for regulatory and institutional frameworks to engage citizens through e-participation in public policy and service delivery. A self-assessment guide, the Measurement and Evaluation Tool for E-Participation Readiness (METEP) will be co-produced for application by the stakeholders.

Key Accomplishments (to-date): Organized the international seminar on E-participation, on Empowering People through ICT's. Based on some shared sessions, the meetings made up a high level seminar on E-Participation: Empowering People through Information Communication Technologies (ICTs from 24 to 26 July 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. The seminar took place during the general segment of the 2013 Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) four week substantive session. The objective of the capacity development workshop was to bring together relevant policy-makers and practitioners from the targeted developing countries of the project, with the purpose of enhancing their knowledge on e-participation by benefitting from the expertise of the EGM and contributing, through discussions and sharing of experiences, to the development of an online e-participation self-assessment tool, METEP (Measurement and Evaluation Tool for E-Participation Readiness). Participants reviewed the concept note and first version of the METEP and provided input and guidance for moving forward. A voluntary working group for METEP was also established with the mandate of reviewing and providing guidance on the development of the METEP.

Time Frame: July 2013 - December 2015

Funding: Development Account (DA)
Proposed Budget: US$362,900
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries:Least Developed Countries
Comment: the focus countries are not listed. The project was supposed to have ended in December 2015. Perhaps we should check status with colleagues and/or with CDO.

ROA-264-9: Strengthening of Capacities of Developing Countries to Provide Access to Information for Sustainable Development through Open Government Data

Main Expectations:
- Increased capacity of senior government officials to formulate policies to develop OGD, in consultation with relevant civil society stakeholders.

- Enhanced technical capacity of governments in target countries to develop and sustain OGD platforms and applications that utilize government data, in accordance with established policy frameworks .

Objective/Purpose of Project: The objective of the project is to demonstrate the potential and benefits of using Open Government Data (OGD) in advancing transparency, accountability and sustainable development in selected countries of Latin America and East Asia regions, currently identified to be Bangladesh, Nepal, Panama, and Uruguay.
In partnership with the national counterparts , the project aims at developing a strategy for open data, particularly in thematic areas relevant to the achievement of internationally agreed development goals. Primarily, the government expenditure and budgeting data, environmental data, procurement data, demographic data, socio-economic indicators, healthcare data, geographical data and local transportation data.

The project aims at assisting with the development of a policy framework and technical infrastructure for implementation of OGD initiatives. It will strive at strengthening the open data community within selected countries. The target beneficiaries include, but are not limited to government officials responsible for data coordination in the country such as Chief Information Officers (or equivalent), Information Privacy Commissioners, Procurement Divisions and relevant government officials from ministries and governmental institutions responsible for selected policies (e.g. Ministries of Planning). Indirect beneficiaries include citizens and communities at large.

The project will also stimulate a south-south knowledge transfer and cross-fertilization of OGD by bringing together OGD-beginners with more OGD-advanced countries.
International workshops, online training courses, and availability of workshop reports will increase the outreach of the project on a global scale, particularly for countries in regions most in need of such support.

Time Frame: June 2014 - December 2016

Funding: Development Account (DA)
Proposed Budget: US$592,000
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries: Developing Countries
Comment: This is the project that worked with Bangladesh, Nepal, Panama and Uruguay

GLO15X01: 10th Internet Governance Forum, Brazil

Main Expectations:

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) serves to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals, in discussions on public policy issues relating to the Internet. While there is no negotiated outcome, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors. At their annual meeting delegates discuss, exchange information and share good practices with each other. The IGF facilitates a common understanding of how to maximize Internet opportunities and address risks and challenges that arise.

Objective/Purpose of Project: The issue of Internet governance was one of the most controversial issues at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), which was held in two phases in Geneva, 2003, and in Tunis, 2005. Cognizant of the need for development of public policy on matters related to key elements of Internet governance by governments in consultation with all stakeholders, WSIS requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations to convene a new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue – called the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Recognizing the importance of the Forum to fostering the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the Internet, as well as its role in building partnerships among different stakeholders, the United Nations General Assembly decided to renew the mandate of the IGF under the patronage of the Secretary-General for a further five years, from 2011 to 2015 (resolution 65/141 of 20 December 2010). The main objective of the project is to achieve increased understanding, through multi-stakeholder dialogue, on key elements of Internet governance as defined in the Tunis Agenda for Information Society.

Key Accomplishments (to-date):
- A small Secretariat was set up in Geneva to support the IGF, and the UN Secretary-General appointed a group of advisers, representing all stakeholder groups, to assist him in convening the IGF. The United Nations General Assembly agreed in December 2010 to extend the IGF’s mandate for another five years. The IGF is financed through voluntary contributions.
- The IGF held its 10th annual meeting on the theme, "Evolution of Internet Governance: Empowering Sustainable Development", in João Pessoa, Brazil, on 10 to 13 November 2015.
- This year's IGF focused on a range of sub-themes, including Cybersecurity and Trust; Internet Economy; Inclusiveness and Diversity; Openness; Enhancing Multistakeholder Cooperation; Internet and Human Rights; Critical Internet Resources and Emerging Issues.

Time Frame:January 2014 - July 2016

Funding: Brazil
Proposed Budget: US$3,518,594.00
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries: Developing Countries
Comment: project concluded