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TOG09002: Projet d’appui à la réforme et à la modernisation de l’Administration publique (Support to Public Sector Reform and Modernization Project)

Main Expectations:
- Capacities to coordinate governmental work as well as reforms implementation are to be reinforced
- Institutional Analysis and organizational strategic auditing with regard to Ministries and other major public institutions are to be performed
- Sorting out and organizing administrative Records with regard to public sector staff are to be completed including a strategy for developing national competence;
- Tapping to Diaspora competence including Trusting and making good use of local nationals competence;
- Civil Service legal framework to be reviewed and adopted;
- E-government to be functional throughout public sector organizations.

Objective/Purpose of Project:
i) Coordination of governmental work
ii) Strengthening capacities of main institutions in charge of conducting reform processes in Togo;
iii) Increasing the performance of Ministries and public institutions through a sound alignment of Missions to organizational structures, and appropriate human resources;
iv) Getting right figures and being in good command of staff strength (number and capacities) including civil service salaries volume;
v) Sound management of governmental information including classification of archives and administrative documentation;
vi) Revising the civil service legal framework including the fundamental texts deemed necessary for the proper running of public sector organizations;
vii) Setting up Electronic Government;
vii) Public Administration Human Resource Capacity Building (through Diaspora expertise, capacity needs assessment, training and refreshment activities).

Key Accomplishments (to-date):
-Support to governmental work coordination as it relates to: monthly meetings between Secretaries Generals (permanent secretaries), Chiefs of cabinet of Ministries and the Secretary General of Government; CTRAP and CONCRAP Meetings ; Monitoring mechanism for mission statements with regard to Ministries ; Public Administration Reform focal point network
- Strategic and Organizational Audits have been organized for six key ministries and public institutions
- Reports for civil service legal framework review has been completed: They are about (i) the civil service general Statutes or Code, (ii) the pension code, and (iii) the social security system for public Administration Staff
- Capacity Building and Skills Development outputs have been completed such as : Togolese Diaspora Strategy; refreshing courses (secretaries and direction assistants, close collaborators of SGs and DCs), and newly recruited staff around 1500 as of December 2009
- E-government and governmental Intranet are ongoing. The achievements are so far: A master Plan for E-government and the main routers and drivers are available; Six (6) web-sites with regard to six ministries and public institutions have been designed and the data provision is ongoing .
- A strategy for public communication is operational: Information and Sensitization Days for Public Administration Reform have been organized on December 2009.  

Time Frame: January 2009 - December 2010
Funding: XBTC
Proposed Budget: US$351,818
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries: Togo
Comment: project concluded