About the Project:
Implemented by UN DESA and ECLAC Caribbean Headquarters, with the collaboration of the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD), this project aims to strengthen public sector national capacities for Innovation, Digital Government Transformation and Changing Mindsets in three Caribbean SIDS by: (i )strengthening public servants’ skills, knowledge, and understanding of the importance of public sector transformation by promoting changing mindsets strategies and approaches in support of innovation and digital transformation to support the implementation of the SDGs; and (ii) strengthening institutional arrangements, structures, mechanisms and approaches to promote innovation and digital governance transformation to improve public service delivery, leaving no one behind and reaching the furthest behind first. In this regard, multi-island jurisdictions are likely to especially benefit from improved governance and institutional service delivery modalities.
To enhance the capacities of government officials to promote new mindsets needed in support of digital transformation and innovation and changing mindsets for stronger public institutions, to ensure the benefits of improved service delivery and leave no one behind, in particular vulnerable groups, thus substantially contributing to support the implementation of the SDGs.
Direct beneficiaries include high – and mid-level government officials from ministries and government institutions at the national, regional, and local level. Indirect beneficiaries include the citizens and communities at large, including vulnerable groups.