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Event Date: - The Bahamas
Country: The Bahamas
Event Topic: Public Service Innovation

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), Division for Public Institutions
and Digital Government (DPIDG), is organizing two Capacity Development Workshops on “Changing Mindsets for Innovation and Public Sector Transformation” in collaboration with the Caribbean Centre for Administration Development (CARICAD) and the Caribbean Office of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). It will be held in person from 24th to 26th March 2025 in Nassau, NP The Bahamas. One workshop is directed to the 26 Permanent Secretaries of The Bahamas and their key staff. The second workshop is directed to General Directors, Senior Public Officers at the level of Directors, Director Generals, Heads of Agencies and Authorities and Chairman of Boards/Board of Directors in charge of public policy implementation. At the request of the Director of Labour of the Ministry of Labour and Public Service, representatives of the youth (students of the International School of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology - ISBET) will participate in the event.

The Workshops are being organized within the framework of the project on “Developing Capacities for Innovation, Digital Government Transformation and Changing Mindsets in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) (DA2427J)” which is being implemented by the Bahamas Ministry of Labour & the Public Service, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs’ Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (UN DESA/DPIDG) and the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) in collaboration with the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the UN Resident Coordinator Offices in the region. The project aims to strengthen public sector national capacities for innovation, digital government transformation and changing mindsets by strengthening public servants’ skills, knowledge, and understanding of the importance of public sector transformation. The project also aims to strengthen the capacity of selected countries in the Caribbean SIDS to mobilize their institutions and public servants to enhance effectiveness and institutional coordination, public accountability, and engagement of key stakeholders in the implementation and review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Lessons learned and experiences will be shared among countries in the region during the life of the project. 

Concept Note


Bios of Speakers