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GLO11X01 - Internet Governance Forum

Main Expectations:

- Creation of an enabling environment for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue related to the key elements of Internet governance.
- Enhanced collaboration among key organizations dealing with different Internet governance issues in support of development goals.
- Exchange of defaultrmation to foster the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the Internet.
- Strengthened capacity of developing country stakeholders to participate effectively in Internet governance arrangements.

Objective/Purpose of Project: The issue of Internet governance was one of the most controversial issues at the World Summit on Defaultrmation Society (WSIS), which was held in two phases in Geneva, 2003, and in Tunis, 2005. Cognizant of the need for development of public policy on matters related to key elements of Internet governance by governments in consultation with all stakeholders, WSIS requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations to convene a new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue – called the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Recognizing the importance of the Forum to fostering the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the Internet, as well as its role in building partnerships among different stakeholders, the United Nations General Assembly decided to renew the mandate of the IGF under the patronage of the Secretary-General for a further five years, from 2011 to 2015 (resolution 65/141 of 20 December 2010). The main objective of the project is to achieve increased understanding, through multi-stakeholder dialogue, on key elements of Internet governance as defined in the Tunis Agenda for Defaultrmation Society.

Key Accomplishments (to-date):
- Organized open consultations and the advisory group meetings (MAG) during 18-19 May 2011 to set the groundwork for the 2011 IGF meeting (Kenya) including preparation of its agenda and programme.
- Maintaining the Web-based collaborative work environment for the IGF and its preparatory processes to minimize the number of face-to-face meetings.
- Maintaining the organized and searchable Web-based repository of all documentation and transcripts produced and received by the IGF.
- Produced periodic syntheses of contributions received by the Secretariat

Time Frame: April 2011 - December 2015
Funding: Development Account (DA)
Proposed Budget: US$1,892,660.00
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries: All Member States
Comment: Project concluded

INT14X27: United Nations Public Service Day 2015, Colombia

Objective/Purpose of Project: The United Nations Public Service Day celebrates the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlights the contribution of public service in the development process; recognizes the work of public servants, and encourages young people to pursue careers in the public sector. The overall purpose of the United Nations Public Service Awards is to recognize the institutional contribution made by public servants to enhance the role, professionalism, image and visibility of the public service.

Main Expectations:

- Enhanced knowledge of challenges and trends, best practices and tools in innovating governance and public administration and the delivery of services, which will be further shared with all UN Member States through the United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN) - Shared possibilities and plans of adapting good practices in the delivery of public services through peer-to-peer learning and transfer of innovations; - Shared innovative capacity development tools and approaches, manuals, and guidelines to build national and local capacity of governance and public administration and service delivery for implementing the post 2015 development agenda effectively. - Network with government officials, experts, academics and practitioners from around the world during and beyond the event; - Renewed public sector leadership commitment and inspiration to engage in promoting creativity and innovations in public sector institutions for effective, efficient, responsive, equitable, and accountable delivery of public services to implement the post 2015 development agenda.

Specific Products/Outputs Delivered:

- 22 public organizations from 18 countries were awarded with the most prestigious award of Excellence in Public Service on 26 June 2015. 14 were first place winners, whereas 8 were second place winners.

Key Accomplishments (to date):

848 nominations have been received for the 2015 UNPSA, marking an increase from the 2014 Public Service Awards nominations at 704 and an impressive increase from the 2003, the first year of the program.


The event drew over 937 participants from 69 countries and included world leaders, ministers, senior government officials, mayors, representatives from civil society, academia, and the private sector, as well as representatives from international and regional organizations. In addition, digital participation played a significant role this year as the ‘‘Hash-tags’ (#UNPSA2015) reached 158 million people around the world during the UNPS Forum, Day, and Awards Ceremony.

Time Frame: August 2014 – July 2015
Proposed Budget: US$ 605,153.00
Division: DPIDG
Focus Countries: All Member States 
Comment: project concluded