The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) of the Government of Bhutan, in collaboration with UN DESA/DPIDG and its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), and with the support of the UN Resident Coordinator Office in Bhutan, organized a virtual peer-to-peer learning international workshop on public service training assessment framework for strengthening capacities of public servants to support the implementation of the SDGs. The workshop was a follow-up activity to UN DESA’s Development Account… Read More
UN DESA, through its Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) with support from its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), and in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), are organizing a capacity development webinar to launch the Curriculum on Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Asia-Pacific region. The Curriculum, developed by UN DESA, will be launched through regional events in… Read More
The workshops aim at developing the capacities of national governments to promote sound policymaking, with a particular focus on policy coherence, strategic planning and foresight and risk management. More specifically, the workshops will:
Provide a platform to share knowledge on the strategies and guidance notes related to sound policymaking, which is one of the 11 Principles of Effective Governance for Sustainable Development. These Principles were developed by the United Nations… Read More
The abovementioned partners held a series of virtual workshops on how to promote resilience and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa through sound policymaking. This 3rd workshop was held on 17 January 2022 via the Zoom platform.The workshops aimed at developing the capacities of national governments to promote sound policymaking, with a particular focus on policy coherence, strategic planning and foresight and risk management. More specifically, the workshops :Provided a… Read More