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United Nations E-Government Survey Local Online Service Index (LOSI) Webinar Series Episode 6 – Tunisia

| 10:00 am - 11:30 am EST
UN DESA/DPIDG, in collaboration with United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV), will hold its sixth session of the Local Online Service Index (LOSI) webinar series on 13 February 10 AM EST, which will focus on the application of LOSI methodology in Tunisia. The 90-minute webinar will host researchers who conducted the study in 24 cities in Tunisia assessing their e-government service provision. The webinar will provide an opportunity for city… Read More

Capacity Development Workshop on a National Data Governance Framework and Digital Government in the Gambia

| 08:30 am - 06:00 pm GMT
UN DESA/DPIDG will be hosting a two-day capacity development workshop, in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy of the Government of Republic of the Gambia, to engage government officials and other stakeholders, focusing on digital government, data, and data governance with the objective of strengthening the capacity of public sector employees in the concerned governmental organizations with regards to understanding how to improve the performance of digital… Read More