Key Activities
Short-term advisory field missions to Governments and other relevant stakeholders in developing countries upon their request to carry out needs-assessment and diagnostics as well as support in the design/redesign of national policies and strategies on aspects related to Goal 16 and other SDGs.
Development and piloting of innovative methodologies and approaches to support capacity development efforts in the area of governance and public institutions, including through guidance notes, the Curriculum on Governance, self- assessment tools and guidance materials.
Development and facilitation of training of trainers' activities and national workshops at the request of developing countries, especially Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlock Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), to promote common approaches among Member States. Raising awareness and strengthening capacities is conducted through Training-of-Trainers in cooperation with (global and regional) networks for National Schools of Public Administration and other partners.
Monitoring and analysis of trends and innovative practices in the area of governance and public institutions, and preparation of policy advisory notes to inform governments as well as feed into the intergovernmental process. This is done through the UN Public Service Innovation Hub by compiling and analyzing relevant good practices from the UNPSA. The UN E-Government Knowledge Base provides access to city, country and regional data based on the UN E-Government Survey findings.
Regional capacity development symposia and workshops, meetings, study visits and twinning arrangements to support and facilitate dialogue and exchange of lessons learned, and peer-to-peer learning among Member States to adapt good practices and to promote South-South, North-South and triangular cooperation.
Global peer-to-peer exchange and learning among countries in different regions, including through the UN Public Service Forum. The capacity development activities at the global level enhance advocacy and policy dialogue on emerging public administration issues and trends related to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through global fora and events.
Codification of lessons learned through the preparation of manuals, guidance notes, and publications. Dissemination of lessons learned and practical implications from the work and analysis of activities at the country level through the organization of side events and other activities during inter-governmental meetings, including CEPA and the HLPF.