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Addressing Emerging Requirements and Challenges for Policy and Decision-Making in Digital ...

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An Expert Group Meeting


The world is entering the digital age, which is unleashing unfathomable opportunities for sustainable development.  More than any previous technological transformations, the digital age is one of inter-dependence, calling for international cooperation among governments, industry, scientific and technological communities, as well as civil society groups.  Such inter-dependence is seen across the spectrum of trade and finance, communications, e-government, and cyber security, among others.


Not all governments are well equipped with the knowledge and ability to respond to the digital age, in tapping the vast opportunities or mitigating the inherent risks. The pace and evolution of digitalization are surpassing the speed with which governments can put in place appropriate regulatory and policymaking frameworks to adapt and reap the rewards. Countries in special situations, such as least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) and small island developing States (SIDS), are often unprepared for the onset of cybercrimes and cyberattacks.



This expert group meeting (EGM) is being organized to address the question of how to address emerging requirements and challenges for policy and decision-making in digital transformation in developing countries. In this regard, it will discuss the issue of how to strengthen the digital capacity of developing countries, in particular the capacity of countries in special situations, to participate in, and benefit from, the growing opportunities of digitalization.  The EGM will take place at the UN Headquarters in New York from 16 to 17 December 2019.




 January 2020

 February 2020

 March 2020

 April 2020

 May 2020




Aide memoire


Guidance note for participants

Summary of Discussions

Expert Group Meeting Report




Session 1:

Mr. Wai Min Kwok, Senior Governance and Public Administration Officer, DPIDG, UNDESA

Mr. Tonis Kirk, Ambassador-at-Large for Digital Affairs, Foreign Ministry, Estonia

Ms. Yeli Hao, Vice President, China Institute for Innovations and Development Strategy


Session 2:

Ms. Jasmina Byrne, Chief, Policy Office of Global Insight and Policy, UNIFCEF

Ms. Helene Molinier, Senior Advisor on Innovation, UN Women

Ms. Minerva Nover-Belec, Policy Specialist, Governance, Cities and Digital Transformation, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP


Session 3:

Ms. Kamla Alrahbi, Ministry of Technology and Communications, Sultanate of Oman

Ms. Gillian Goh, Cyber Team Leader, UN Office of Disarmament Affairs

Mr. Makane Faye, African IGF Secretariat


Session 4:

Mr. Vincenzo Aquaro, Chief, Digital Government Branch, DPIDG, UNDESA

Mr. Farziz Jafarov, Director, E-Government Development Center, Azerbaijan

Mr. Anir Chowdhury, Policy Advisor, a21, Bangladesh

Dr. Liu Mixia, Associate Professor, E-Government Research Center, China

Mr. RomKant Pandey, Nepal IGF

Mr. Inoussa Traore, Burkina Faso IGF


Session 5:

Ms. Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief, New York Office, UNCTAD & Mr. Torbjorn Fredriksson, Chief, ICT Policy Section, UNCTAD

Ms. Sofie Maddens

Dr. Zhumu Wen, Deputy Secretary General of D50


Session 6:

Mr. Richard Kadlcak, Special Envoy for Cyber Space, Director of Cyber Security Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Ms. Jane Coffin, Senior Vice President, Internet Society





Photo Gallery



Contact Information:


United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government


Mr. Juwang Zhu, Director

Mr. Wai Min Kwok, Senior Governance and Public Administration Officer

Mr. Deniz Susar, Governance and Public Administration Officer

Ms. Anni Haataja, Governance and Public Administration Officer


Email: @email


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