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Capacity Development and Consultation Workshop on Cambodia National Data Governance Framework

Event Date: - Event Time: 09:00 am - 05:00 pm EST
Country: Cambodia
Event Topic: Digital Government

Date/time: 16 – 17 May 2023 (to be confirmed)
Venue: Hyatt Regency Phnom PenhHotel, Phnom Penh
(lunch and coffee breaks will be provided at the Workshop venue)
Number of participants: 40-50
(Note: by invitation only; including organizers, resource persons and support staff)


UN DESA in collaboration with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC) of the Government of Cambodia will be hosting a national consultation workshop with representatives from governments, private, public sector, civil societies, academia and other key stakeholders to develop a national data governance framework.

The objective of the National Consultation Workshop is three-fold, as follows:


  • Engage stakeholders from different agencies and other non-government stakeholders to participate in the official dialogue and knowledge exchange on proposing a national data governance framework for Cambodia
  • Discuss the existing opportunity and gap assessments for proposed focus areas, emerging from dialogue and interaction among workshop participants, including the proposed UN DESA data governance framework of 4 pillars and 6 elements
  • Identify the next course of action in strategic planning and implementation for setting up a national data governance framework


The primary thematic areas of the Workshop are as follows:


Four (4) pillars of National Data Governance: Policy, Institutions, People/Partnerships, Processes:

  • Policy: existing policy and regulatory framework;
  • Institutions: existing institutional framework
  • People: existing data ecosystem and mapping of stakeholders
  • Processes: existing data processes


Six (6) elements of National Data Governance:

  • Data standards and classification
  • Data sharing, exchange and interoperability, including open government data
  • Data security (and data protection)
  • Data privacy (and ethics)
  • National data infrastructure (including e.g., datacenter, cloud, data services, etc.)
  • Linking data governance to digital identity)



Concept Note

Speakers' bios


Day 1

Opening Session
1. Mr. Juwang Zhu, Director, Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG),  UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, (UN DESA)
2. H.E. Chea Vandeth, Minister for Post and Telecommunication, Government of Cambodia


Session: Setting the Scene
1. Presentation: Workshop agenda, thematic areas and expected outcomes
Wai Min Kwok, Senior Governance and Public Administration Officer, DPIDG, UN DESA (15 minutes)


2. Presentation: “National Trends and Development in Cambodia“
H.E. Mao Neang , Director-General of ICT


Session: Steps on Building National Data Governance & Baseline Study
1. Presentation: “Initial findings of baseline study of Cambodia National Data Governance”
Dr. Kimchoeun Pak, UN DESA National Consultant  


2. Introducing UN DESA Data Governance Framework - principles, pillars and elements
Wai Min Kwok, UN DESA


3. Presentation: Data equity and inclusion
Anju Mangal, UN DESA International Expert


Day 2

1. Presentation: Sharing case study in Republic of Korea
Ms Hyejeong Lim, Principal Manager of Open Data Center, National Information Society Agency, Republic of Korea  

2. Presentation: Sharing case study in Singapore
Ms Karen Kee, Deputy Director, International and Community Engagement Lead, Government Technology Agency (GovTech), Singapore  


3. Presentation: UNESCO’s initiatives in Cambodia
Mr. Bophan Khan, Education Unit, UNESCO


4. Presentation: SDGs and Data in Cambodia, Camstat
Mr. Somethea Buoy, Director of Department, National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Planning


5. Presentation: Data Governance in Cambodia- what works, and what doesn’t work (related to three cases)
Mr. Pisey Khin, UN DESA National Consultant


Reporting back: Focus Group 1

Reporting back: Focus Group 2

Reporting back: Focus Group 3


Final Workshop Report (pending)

Final Baseline Study of National Data Governance in Cambodia (pending)