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HLPF 2024 - VNR Lab 14: Strengthening digital government and data governance for a more agile and effective public sector in Africa

Event Date: - Event Time: 01:15 pm - 02:45 pm EDT
Country: United States
Event Topic: Digital Government, Public Institutions for SDGs



Rapid technological development has had a transformative impact on governments across the globe, from the ways in which they communicate with people to the development of innovative solutions enhancing public service delivery and fostering sustainable development (e.g., smart cities and the use of emerging technologies in the public sector). However, potential associated challenges and risks exist, which must urgently be addressed, such as the persistent digital divides, data gaps, as well as security and privacy issues. There are also growing concerns about the potential disruptive changes that rapid advancements in technology may bring to societies and public administrations worldwide, with questions of adequate governance and regulation of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, remaining as elaborated on by the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) at its recently held 23rd session. Nevertheless, the digitalization of governments can offer immense opportunities to leapfrog development, improve public service delivery, combat corruption, reduce inequalities and deliver public value provided it is managed in a fair, ethical, and people-centred manner. 

The impact of digitalization on public administrations, political systems and economies in Africa remains uneven, though new technologies offer compelling opportunities for social and economic growth. For most African countries, the realities of inadequate infrastructure, low digital literacy skills, lack of effective data governance and other socioeconomic challenges make the adoption of new technologies and digitalization of government difficult. 

This VNR Lab intends to facilitate peer-to-peer learning by inviting selected African countries to share their different approaches and experiences in fostering digital government and data governance to render their public sector more effective and agile. In addition, representatives from UN DESA and APRM will complement the discussions by providing insights into related support provided to countries.  


Concept note (incl. agenda)
