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| Handbooks | Digital Government

Handbook on Digital Transformation in Local Government Leadership, Human Resources and Organizational Structure

The age of digital transformation, including the evolution of early e-government efforts towards a more holistic and user-centered approach, has arrived. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda) includes a focus on governments’…
| Handbooks | Digital Government | Public Service Innovation

Handbook on how to design and implement One-stop-Shops to promote better service delivery and implement the Sustainable Development Goals

This Handbook, prepared by UN DESA/DPIDG, provides local and national governments with a set of conceptual approaches, practical strategies, and tools to improve the delivery of public services through citizen centric One-stop-Shops (OSS). It…
| Handbooks | Digital Government | Public Service Innovation

Handbook on Risk-informed Governance and Innovative Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience

This Handbook is developed based on the Traning of Trainer Toolkit on Risk-informed Governance and Innovative Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Resilience. The overall learning outcome of this training toolkit is to meet the…
| Handbooks | Digital Government

Digital Government Capability Assessment

The Digital Government Capability Assessment (DGCA) is a six-dimension framework of enablers to engage governments in discussions towards digital government transformation. Considering that digital government requires a multifaceted response from…