UN DESA's work is supported by a growing series of strategy guidance notes on the many facets of effective governance for sustainable development which embody the knowledge and experience of hundreds of committed expert practitioners and academics…
This paper analyzes the development of national institutional arrangements in support of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since 2015 in the 46 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The analysis is based on a set of…
The United Nations E-Government Survey 2022 is the 12th edition of the United Nations’ assessment of the digital government landscape across all 193 Member States. The E-Government Survey is informed by over two decades of longitudinal research,…
The report of the 2022 SDG 16 Conference on people-centred governance in a post-pandemic world is now available. The Conference, co-organized by UN DESA, the International Development Law Organization and the Government of Italy and held in April…
This Handbook, prepared by UN DESA/DPIDG, provides local and national governments with a set of conceptual approaches, practical strategies, and tools to improve the delivery of public services through citizen centric One-stop-Shops (OSS). It…
Promoting non-discrimination in public administration: some entry points
Key messages
Public administration can both serve as a vehicle for discrimination and provide channels to address it.
Research is needed, in particular from developing…
The Peer-to-Peer Learning International Workshop on Public Service Training Assessment Framework for Strengthening Capacities of Public Servants to Support SDG Implementation was held under the responsibility of Juwang Zhu, Director of the Division…
The promotion of social equity is one of the strategies for leaving no one behind, and can be understood as fairness, justice and greater equality for all in society. Achieving equity relies on an active commitment to these aims through the…
This guidance note discusses the role of long-term public debt management as a strategy to promote sustainable development and intergenerational equity within the context of the 2030 Agenda.
Participatory budgeting (PB) broadly refers to the many ways in which the general public is able to interact directly with government in the design and implementation of budgetary and…
The Report highlights the key concepts and recommendations that emerged from the Training Workshop on “Innovation, Digital Government and Changing Mindset for Public Sector Transformation in Guyana to Achieve the SDGs” organized by the United…
This report summarizes the key highlights and messages that were conveyed by the facilitators, speakers, and participants during the Regional Webinar Series on “How to Promote Resilience and Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa through…