Registration Link: Regional Symposium on Effective Governance is a UN DESA annual event in the Asia and the Pacific region and beyond. It seeks to raise awareness of critical public governance issues, examine current and future trends, and provide innovative approaches and new methodologies to support United Nations Member States in developing their capacities to accelerate the implementation of their commitments toward… Read More
During the 59th Session of the Commission for Social Development, a virtual side event is jointly organized by UN DESA/DPIDG through its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, in collaboration with the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation. This Side Event is organized to present an online Training Toolkit on “Government Innovation for Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups”. The Training Toolkit aims to build the capacities… Read More
The Regional Symposium on Effective, Inclusive and Accountable Public Institutions and Digital Government Transformation for Resilient Recovery and the SDG Implementation will be held from 24 to 26 November, 9 pm EDT. The annual symposium aims to equip public institutions with the capacities necessary for sustainable and resilient recovery while focusing on implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The symposium is organized by UN DESA/DPIDG, through its Project Office on… Read More