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Capacity Development and Consultation Workshop on Sierra Leone National Data Governance Framework

| 09:00 am - 05:00 pm GMT
A capacity development Workshop on a National Data Governance Framework in Sierra Leone (4-5 July 2024, Freetown, Sierra Leone) is being organized by UN DESA/DPIDG with the Ministry of Public Administration and Political Affairs, Government of Sierra Leone. The workshop is being organised under the scope of the UN Peace and Development Fund’s (UN PDF) capacity development project on “Developing institutional capacities for digital data management and cooperation to advance progress toward the… Read More

Capacity Development and Consultation Workshop on Samoa National Data Governance Framework

| 08:00 am - 06:00 pm GMT+13
A capacity development Workshop on a National Data Governance Framework in Samoa (8-9 May 2024, Apia, Samoa) is being organized by UN DESA/DPIDG with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) of Samoa. The workshop is being organised under the scope of the UN Peace and Development Fund’s (UN PDF) capacity development project on “Developing institutional capacities for digital data management and cooperation to advance progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals”.  … Read More

Capacity Development and Consultation Workshop on Vanuatu National Data Governance Framework

| 08:00 am - 06:00 pm GMT+11
A capacity development Workshop on a National Data Governance Framework in Vanuatu (2-3 May 2024, Port Vila, Vanuatu) is being organized by UN DESA/DPIDG with the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) of Vanuatu. The workshop is being organised under the scope of the UN Peace and Development Fund’s (UN PDF) capacity development project on “Developing institutional capacities for digital data management and cooperation to advance progress toward the Sustainable Development… Read More

Global Forum on Data Governance and Digital Transformation

Data and digital data governance in the public sector have become increasingly important in Governments’ modus operandi and real-world applicability. Data are now integral to every sector and function of government—as essential as physical assets and human resources. Much of the operational activity in government is now data-driven or data-centric, and many Governments would find it difficult, if not impossible, to function without data.This Global Forum seeks to address existing challenges and… Read More

Second Phase Workshop on the National Data Governance Project in Ethiopia

| 08:00 am - 06:00 pm GMT+3
Phase I of the project involved conducting a comprehensive baseline study on national data governance in Ethiopia, which occurred from August to October 2022. The study focused on understanding the current data governance landscape and identifying key challenges. At the end, a workshop was conducted in the presence of ICT personnel from various government institutions including representatives from regions and other stakeholders from the private sector, civil society and academia. Phase II of… Read More

2020 EGov Survey Webinar 1: Global and regional egov development

| 10:00 am - 11:30 am
UNITED NATIONS E-GOVERNMENT SURVEY 2020 WEBINAR SERIES  Webinar 1: Global and regional e-government development The 2020 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey was launched on Friday, 10 July. Join us for an in-depth look at the results and rankings of the Survey, movements of countries and regions, and trends in online service provision. This analysis will be complemented by the reflections of external subject matter experts who will also present their views on the state of e-… Read More

Workshop on Open Government Data for Sustainable Development

The international workshop aims at promoting an exchange of information on the development of Open Government data (OGD) national strategies and action plans in support of access to information, transparency and accountability for sustainable development. Participants also share experiences and lessons learned during project implementation. While enhancing participants’ capacities on OGD action planning, this workshop guides them to reflect on how this type of planning can maximise the impact… Read More

Action Planning for OGD for Sustainable Development in Asia, Bangkok, Thailand

Government officials, representatives from civil society and private sector of eight countries in East Asia gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, from 3-6 October 2016 to exchange experiences on advancing open government data for sustainable development. The participants have also analysed and provided inputs to OGD action plans earlier drafted by the governments of Bangladesh and Nepal based on their experience of rolling out similar initiatives in other countries. They reflected on how to maximize… Read More

Open Government Data Action Plan of Panama and Uruguay

The National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information (ANTAI) of the Government of Panama and the Agency for Electronic Government, Information and Knowledge Society (AGESIC) of the Government of Uruguay have posted an open government data (OGD) action plan on their respective websites. DESA/DPADM supported the development of these plans as part of the project on "Strengthening of Capacities of Developing Countries to Provide Access to Information for Sustainable Development through… Read More

Workshop on Open Government Data (OGD) in Latin America, Santiago, Chile

Government officials, representatives from civil society and private sector of ten countries in Latina America gathered in Santiago, Chile from 26 to 28 September 2016 to exchange experiences on open government data (OGD) for sustainable development. The workshop aimed to enhance participants’ knowledge and skills on OGD national strategies in view of supporting greater access to information, transparency, accountability and responsive public service delivery. Participants analyzed and provided… Read More

Study Tour on Open Government Data (OGD) in Seoul, Republic of Korea

DPADM in cooperation with the United Nations Project Office for Governance (UNPOG) organised a Study Tour on Open Government Data (OGD) in Seoul, Republic of Korea as part of the DA project on "Strengthening of Capacities of Developing Countries to Provide Access to Information for Sustainable Development through Open Government Data (OGD)" from 9 to 12 August 2016. Eight government and civil society representatives from Bangladesh (Access to information Program (a2i)) and Nepal (… Read More

Study Tour for Uruguay Delegation on OGD, New York, Boston and Albany

The Study Tour on Open Government Data (OGD) is hosted by the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications of the United States. It is a follow-up activity to the OGD Capacity Development Workshop and the National Substantive Training held in Uruguay respectively in May and September 2015. The event is aimed at enhancing OGD knowledge and skills of officials from the Agencia para el Desarrollo de Gobierno de Gestión Electrónica y la Sociedad de la Información y del… Read More