Event Website : https://unu.edu/egov/seadgov The joint event organized by UN DESA, UN ECA, UNU-EGOV has several components: The launch of the South and East Africa Digital Governance Forum. Please visit https://unu.edu/egov/seadgovCapacity building activitiesAfrica Launch of the UN E-Government Survey 2024 And other relevant sessions during the annual meeting of ICEGOVGovernments play a pivotal role in delivering public services and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (… Read More
The fifth LOSI webinar series organized by the Digital Government Branch (DGB) of the DPIDG / UN DESA will focus on the application of LOSI methodology in India. This 90 minute webinar will host researchers who conducted the study in 34 most populous cities across various states and union territories within India and share the assessment findings. The webinar will also provide an opportunity for city officials to gain insights into and engage in discussions about the forthcoming UN E-Government… Read More
United Nations E-Government Survey Local Online Service Index (LOSI) Webinar Series Episode 4 – UzbekistanThe fourth LOSI webinar series organized by the Digital Government Branch (DGB) of the DPIDG / UN DESA will focus on the application of LOSI methodology in Uzbekistan. This one-hour webinar will host researchers who conducted the study in 14 municipalities in Uzbekistan. The webinar will provide an opportunity for city officials to learn about and discuss the upcoming UN E-Government Survey… Read More