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Working group on public sector workforce

Current work

Making the public sector workforce fit for purpose: In support of the 2025 ECOSOC cycle of work, the CEPA working group will provide policy advice on strategies for changing mindsets in the public sector, retaining talent and attracting younger workers.


Placing human resources development at the core of sustainable development and developing short-, medium- and long-term strategies to effectively enhance human resources capacities and achieve educated, skilled, healthy, capable, productive, and adaptable workforces are the foundation for achieving sustained, inclusive, and equitable economic growth and development. The COVID-19 pandemic has severely tested political leadership, institutional frameworks at the local, national, and global levels and societal trust in governments and the public sector workforce. It has demanded resilient strategies to cope with the crisis while simultaneously keeping track of achievement of the SDGs. Over the years, the Committee has examined how to develop transformative leadership, build capacities and enhance relevant competencies and awareness of public servants at local and national levels, including in relation to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and in the context of the digital era. 

CEPA observations and insights

Public sector workforce governance to advance the SDGs

There is a need to sustain the momentum of innovation in the public sector prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, paired with comprehensive human resources development strategies premised on national development objectives, a change of mindsets in the public sector, raising awareness of the Goals, promoting public sector workforce diversity, and building the human resource capacities of subnational authorities. Investing and building capacities in emerging areas, such as artificial intelligence, can encourage young professionals to join the public sector and motivate and retain them once hired. (CEPA 23rd session, 2024)

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Reinventing public sector workforce training and institutional learning towards changing mindsets in the public sector

Agile, data- and insight-driven institutions are necessary to be better prepared and more resilient in managing crises. Building such institutions will depend on access to new skill sets and fostering of more citizen-centred and collaborative mindsets among public servants. A review of public sector workforce capabilities to achieve the SDGs and of related training efforts is seen as part of the solution. (CEPA 22nd session, 2023)

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Public sector workforce capacity and legitimacy in relation to SDG achievement

A disconnect between people and government exists, for example due to partisan polarization, authoritarian populism, and the propagation of false or misleading information which is endangering the legitimacy of institutions. Building responsive and resilient institutions calls for more creative, flexible, and integrated ways of working, focused on the needs of people, as well as an adequate stock of competencies and resources. To this end, governments are encouraged to further promote professionalization of the public sector workforce, invest in digital skills, update competency frameworks for implementation of the SDGs, and address inequalities within the public sector workforce as well as social inequities in the design and delivery of public services at both national and subnational levels. (CEPA 21st session, 2022)

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Public sector workforce management in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic 

The pandemic had accelerated the trend of digitalization and flexible work in the public sector and has opened up possibilities for new work modalities, with the use of technology, and new types of contracts. Benefits and compensation schemes and reasonable work contracts for all types of frontline workers should reflect the changing nature of public sector work and the risks that frontline workers faced. New ways of working have also exposed inequalities and digital divides across the public sector workforce. Equal opportunities should be given for the provision of digital capacity with special attention to the local level. For sustainable recovery from the pandemic, public services should be delivered with a focus on citizen-centricity and workforce management in harmony with people’s expectations. (CEPA 20th session, 2021)

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What action does ECOSOC recommend?

ECOSOC recognizes that building resilient institutions calls for more creative, flexible and integrated ways of working that are focused on the needs of people, as well as an adequate stock of competencies, capabilities and resources at all levels, and encourages Governments to further promote professionalization and diversity of the public sector workforce, invest in digital skills, update competency frameworks for implementation of the 2030 Agenda, address inequalities that exist within the public sector workforce, and take steps to address social inequities in the design and delivery of public services (ECOSOC resolution 2024/L.14, para. 20).

ECOSOC recalls that building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels calls for a comprehensive understanding of the scope and capabilities of the public sector workforce, recognizes that new modalities of work are emerging in many countries, and encourages Governments to develop appropriate schemes for managing flexible work and contract work in the public sector, review public sector labour laws to reflect flexible work arrangements, develop protocols and guidelines for performance assessment in flexible work regimes, and accelerate efforts to enhance digital skills in the context of public sector workforce planning at both the national and subnational levels (ECOSOC resolution 2021/12, para. 12).

Technical guidance for government officials

MDREA Membership Application


CEPA strategy guidance note on promotion of public sector workforce diversity

Expert papers on this topic (2016-present)
MDREA Membership Application

Insights into public sector workforce governance to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (E/C.16/2024/5, 29 January 2024)  
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish  

MDREA Membership Application


Reinventing public sector workforce training and institutional learning towards changing mindsets (E/C.16/2023/5, 16 January 2023)           
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

MDREA Membership Application


Questions of public sector workforce capacity and legitimacy in relation to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (E/C.16/2022/7, 24 January 2022)           
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

MDREA Membership Application


Issues in public sector workforce management in the recovery from coronavirus disease pandemic (E/C.16/2021/5, 12 January 2021)            
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

MDREA Membership Application

Government and public sector workforce management in the digital era (E/C.16/2020/4, 20 January 2020)           
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

MDREA Membership Application

Sustainable Development Goals training for public officials (E/C.16/2020/7, 8 January 2020)            
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

MDREA Membership Application

Training and awareness-raising for the Sustainable Development Goals: Ghana’s experience (conference room paper, 2020)

MDREA Membership Application

Enhancing the capacity of the public sector in a fast-changing world for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals(E/C.16/2019/2, 24 January 2019)           
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

MDREA Membership Application

Enhancing the capacity of the public sector in core functional areas of administration: African perspective (conference room paper, 12 December 2018)

MDREA Membership Application

Building the awareness, competencies and skills of civil servants at the national and local levels (E/C.16/2018/4, 14 February 2018)           
Arabic  |  Chinese |  English |  French |  Russian |  Spanish  

MDREA Membership ApplicationUnderstanding the needs of local authorities and communities and supporting and equipping them for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (E/C.16/2017/3, 26 January 2017)           
Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish   
MDREA Membership Application

Transforming local authorities and communities into stakeholders to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (conference room paper-French, 22 March 2017)

MDREA Membership Application

Diversity and non-discrimination in public administration: strategic enablers of sustainable development (E/C.16/2016/3, 20 January 2016)

Blogs by CEPA members


Promoting public sector workforce diversity, inclusiveness, and non-discriminatory policies to leave no one behind by Alketa Peci, Member of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration


Changing mindsets to transform governance for SDG achievement by Alketa Peci, Member of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration