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18th Internet Governance Forum: "The Internet We Want - Empowering All People"

Event Date: -
Event Topic: Digital Government

The 18th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum will be hosted by the Government of Japan in Kyoto from 8 to 12 October 2023. The Forum's overarching theme is: The Internet We Want - Empowering All People.

Building on the results of the call for thematic issues the MAG decided that the 18th annual IGF programme will develop around the following sub-themes:

  • AI & Emerging Technologies 
  • Avoiding Internet Fragmentation    
  • Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety
  • Data Governance & Trust
  • Digital Divides & Inclusion
  • Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
  • Human Rights & Freedoms
  • Sustainability & Environment

For more information, kindly visit: IGF 2023 | Internet Governance Forum (