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The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) (2006 - current)

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF)


The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) serves to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals, in discussions on public policy issues relating to the Internet. While there is no negotiated outcome, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors. At their annual meeting delegates discuss, exchange information and share good practices with each other. The IGF facilitates a common understanding of how to maximize Internet opportunities and address risks and challenges that arise.

Key accomplishments:

  • Facilitated understanding and agreement on International Internet Public Policies and their impacts
  • Improved understanding and agreement on Internet governance and new technologies Enhanced cooperation and collaboration among key organizations and stakeholders dealing with different Internet governance and technology issues
  • Increased opportunity to foster the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the Internet
  • Strengthened capacities of all countries, especially developing countries and their stakeholders, to participate effectively in Internet governance arrangements
  • Increased multilingualism and multiculturalism on the Internet
  • Mapped multistakeholder and multilateral efforts on public policies issues related to the Internet


Lead Division: UN DESA/DPIDG
Partners: World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Donor: Not applicable
Funding Source: IGF Trust Fund
Time Frame: July 2006 - current
Thematic Area: Connecting All People and Safeguarding Human Rights; Avoiding Internet Fragmentation; Governing Data and Protecting Privacy; Enabling Safety, Security and Accountability; Addressing Advanced Technologies, including AI (2022)
Region: Global
Focus Countries: Global

More information about IGF is available here.