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Remarks by Mr. José Antonio Ocampo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA

Item 2: Adoption of the agenda and other organization matters

Provisional agenda and organization of work (E/C.16/2006/1)

Item 3: Searching for a bottom-up approach and methodologies for developing foundations and principles of sound public administration

Note by Secretariat: Searching for a Bottom-up Approach and Methodologies for Developing Foundations and Principles of Sound Public Administration (E/C.16/2006/3)

Remarks by GPAB/DPADM

Item 4: Innovations in governance and public administration for the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals

Note by Secretariat: Innovations in governance and public administration for the achievement of the internationally agreed development doals, Including the Millennium Development Goals (E/C.16/2006/2)

Economic and Social Council resolution on the report of the Committee on its fourth session and dates, venue and provisional agenda for the fifth session of the Committee (E/RES/2005/55 - 21 October 2005)

Economic and Social Council resolution on public administration and development (E/RES/2005/3 - 9 June 2005)

General Assembly resolution on public administration and development (A/RES/59/55 - 8 February 2005)

Report of the Secretary-General on public administration and development (A/60/114 - 2005)

Remarks by Headquarters of Government Innovation, Republic of Korea on Innovation in Public Administration

Item 5: Compendium of basic terminology in governance and public administration

Note by Secretariat: Compendium of basic terminology in governance and public administration (E/C.16/2006/4)

Item 6: Review of United Nations activities in the area of public administration

Note by Secretariat: Review of United Nations activities in the area of public administration(E/C.16/2006/5)

Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007: section 9-subprogramme 8

Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007: section 22: technical cooperation