Key messagesHarnessing digital technologies can greatly support public institutions in promoting effective youth engagement and participation in policy processes. Digital technologies can play an instrumental role in youth engagement and…
| Capacity Development Reports | Digital Government | Sound Policymaking | Local Governance | Open Government Data | Participation and Accountability | Principles of Effective Governance | Public Institutions | Public Service Innovation | Supreme Audit Institutions | Transformational Leadership and New Mindsets
UN DESA’s Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) provides capacity development support and policy advice to countries upon their request to strengthen governments’ capacities to translate the Sustainable Development Goals (…
The United Nations E-Government Survey 2022 is the 12th edition of the United Nations’ assessment of the digital government landscape across all 193 Member States. The E-Government Survey is informed by over two decades of longitudinal research,…
This Handbook, prepared by UN DESA/DPIDG, provides local and national governments with a set of conceptual approaches, practical strategies, and tools to improve the delivery of public services through citizen centric One-stop-Shops (OSS). It…
The Report highlights the key concepts and recommendations that emerged from the Training Workshop on “Innovation, Digital Government and Changing Mindset for Public Sector Transformation in Guyana to Achieve the SDGs” organized by the United…
From innovation hubs and policy experiments to regulatory sandboxes
Digital technologies carry a promise to fast track sustainable development by supporting innovative, forwarding-looking policies and digital government solutions. There are,…
This Handbook is developed based on the Traning of Trainer Toolkit on Risk-informed Governance and Innovative Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Resilience. The overall learning outcome of this training toolkit is to meet the…
The Digital Government Capability Assessment (DGCA) is a six-dimension framework of enablers to engage governments in discussions towards digital government transformation. Considering that digital government requires a multifaceted response from…
This report summarizes presentations and outcomes of a facilitated online training workshop on Innovation, Digital Government and Public Service Delivery for Sustainable Development, which was jointly organized by the United Nations Department of…
Leveraging digital technologies for social inclusion
Key messages
COVID-19 is accelerating the pace of digital transformation. In so doing, it is opening the opportunities for advancing social progress and fostering social inclusion, while…
Strengthening Data Governance for Effective Use of Open Data and Big Data Analytics for Combating COVID-19
Governments are highly dependent on all data including official statistics, administrative data, open data and big data analytics…
This compendium, prepared by the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), aims to capture emerging trends in digital responses of the United Nations…