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| Capacity Development Reports | Transformational Leadership and New Mindsets

Building a Developmental State: Strategies for Attracting and Retaining High Quality Staff in the Public Service in Africa

Building a Developmental State: Strategies for Attracting and Retaining High Quality Staff in the Public Service in Africa is a presentation during the 30th Africa Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) Annual Roundtable…
| Reports | Public Service Innovation

Report of the Sixth United Nations Public Service Day and Awards Ceremony

The United Nations hosted the Sixth Public Service Awards Ceremony and commemorated Public Service Day in New York on 23 June 2008 in Conference Room 2. The UN Public Service Awards (UNPSA) are handed out every year on 23 June, which has been…
| Reports | Public Institutions

The Contribution of the United Nations to the Improvement of Public Administration: A 60-Year History

The United Nations Programme on Public Administration, Finance and Development celebrated its sixtieth anniversary in 2008. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) commemorated the anniversary by, among other things,…
| Compendia

Compendium of Basic United Nations Terminology in Governance and Public Administration

At its sixth session, the Committee of Experts on Public Administration expressed appreciation to the Chair and the members of the working group on basic United Nations terminology in governance and public administration for its preliminary report…
| World Public Sector Reports | Participation and Accountability

World Public Sector Report 2008

People Matter: Civic Engagement in Public Governance The 2008 World Public Sector Report, People Matter: Civic Engagement in Public Governance, highlights the importance of civic engagement in public governance and by profiling several case studies…
| Capacity Development Reports | Participation and Accountability

Building Trust Through Civic Engagement

This publication is the result of the Workshop on Building Trust through Civic Engagement, held as part of the 7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government: Building Trust in Government, which took place at the United Nations Headquarters in Vienna…
| Expert Group Meeting Reports | Participation and Accountability

Participatory Governance and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

The Participatory Governance and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) publication is an output of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) organized by UNDESA on Engaged Governance: Citizen Participation in the Implementation of the Developmental Goals…
| Reports | Participation and Accountability | Public Institutions

World e-Parliament Report 2008

The World e-Parliament Report 2008 constitutes the first assessment from a global perspective of how information and communication technologies (ICT) are being employed by parliaments across the spectrum of activities for which they are responsible…
| UN E-Government Surveys | Digital Government

From E-Government to Connected Governance

From E-Government to Connected Governance The UN E-Government Survey 2008: From E-Government to Connected Governance assesses the E-Government Development of the 192 Member States of the UN according to a quantitative composite index of e-readiness…