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How can open and accountable COVID-19 fiscal measures support the 2030 Agenda

From Crisis to Opportunity: How can open and accountable COVID-19 fiscal measures support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda?   September 24, 2020 12:30 - 14:00 hrs (Eastern Standard Time, NY)     Watch on demand below:       Supporting documents: Concept Note    

2020 EGov Survey Webinar 6: Capacities for digital transformation

| 10:00 am - 11:30 am EDT
UNITED NATIONS E-GOVERNMENT SURVEY 2020 WEBINAR SERIES  Webinar 6: Capacities for digital transformation   The 2020 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey was launched on Friday, 10 July.   Join us for an in-depth look at the 2020 UN E-Government Survey’s chapter on capacities for digital transformation. Governments around the world are using digital technologies to innovatively transform the way they operate, share information, make decisions and deliver… Read More

2020 EGov Survey Webinar 4: E-participation

| 10:00 am - 11:30 am EST
Webinar 4: E-Participation   The 2020 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey was launched on Friday, 10 July.   Join us for an in-depth look at the 2020 UN E-Government Survey’s chapter on e-participation. Participation is a key dimension of governance and one of the pillars of sustainable development. Through the Survey, e-participation is assessed on the basis of features of national e-government portals and other government websites which relate to the… Read More

2020 EGov Survey Webinar 3: Local egov development

| 10:00 am - 11:30 am
  UNITED NATIONS E-GOVERNMENT SURVEY 2020 WEBINAR SERIES  Webinar 3: Local e-government   The 2020 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey was launched on Friday, 10 July.   Join us for an in-depth look at the UN E-Government Survey’s chapter on local e-government assessments. E-government development is a rising priority in political agendas, but the emphasis has mostly been on the national level. Meanwhile, people interact directly and identify… Read More


| 10:00 am - 11:30 am EST
The 2020 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey was launched on Friday, 10 July.   Join us for an in-depth look at the UN E-Government Survey’s Addendum on digital government responses to the crisis COVID-19 pandemic. Research for the Addendum explored how governments started sharing information on their national portals, mobile apps and social media platforms, and a review of the 193 United Nations Member States national portals which showed that governments… Read More

2020 EGov Survey Webinar 1: Global and regional egov development

| 10:00 am - 11:30 am
UNITED NATIONS E-GOVERNMENT SURVEY 2020 WEBINAR SERIES  Webinar 1: Global and regional e-government development The 2020 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey was launched on Friday, 10 July. Join us for an in-depth look at the results and rankings of the Survey, movements of countries and regions, and trends in online service provision. This analysis will be complemented by the reflections of external subject matter experts who will also present their views on the… Read More

Global launch of the 2020 UN E-Government Survey

| 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
This event will launch the 2020 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey. It will include an in-depth presentation of the Survey data and results, followed by expert reflections on the findings. The world we live in has changed so much since the last edition of the Survey, released two years ago – has digital governance kept up with the pace? Is it well-equipped to face the challenges that are ahead?   As the only publication to benchmark the e-government readiness of all 193… Read More

Leveraging ICTs and Digital Government for Innovative Solutions to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic

| 08:00 am - 09:30 am
  Backgorund This Webinar will include a panel discussion followed by an open discussion session. It will run for one hour and thirty minutes. It will be conducted in English. The Webinar will be conducted using video conferencing tools such as Cisco WebEx. The recordings and the presentations will be posted on the website after the conclusion of the Webinar. And the follow-up actions, including key recommendations and knowledge products, will be disseminated through the UN DESA website… Read More

Addressing Emerging Requirements and Challenges for Policy and Decision-Making in Digital ...

      An Expert Group Meeting   The world is entering the digital age, which is unleashing unfathomable opportunities for sustainable development.  More than any previous technological transformations, the digital age is one of inter-dependence, calling for international cooperation among governments, industry, scientific and technological communities, as well as civil society groups.  Such inter-dependence is seen across the spectrum of trade and finance,… Read More

Effective Governance for Sustainable Development: Putting Principles into Practice

| 09:00 am - 12:00 pm SAST
Final report Programme  Wednesday, 30 October 201909:00-09:30Registration09:30-10:00Opening• Ms. Maria-Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, UNDESA [English]• Mr. Eddy Maloka, Chair Africa Governance Architecture and Chief Executive Officer, APRM [English]• H.E. Amb. Oumar Defallah Khayar, APRM Minister of Chad and Chairperson of APRM Focal Points • Mr. Richard Levin, Director General, Ministry of Public Service… Read More

Workshop on Open Government Data for Sustainable Development

The international workshop aims at promoting an exchange of information on the development of Open Government data (OGD) national strategies and action plans in support of access to information, transparency and accountability for sustainable development. Participants also share experiences and lessons learned during project implementation. While enhancing participants’ capacities on OGD action planning, this workshop guides them to reflect on how this type of planning can maximise the impact… Read More

Action Planning for OGD for Sustainable Development in Asia, Bangkok, Thailand

Government officials, representatives from civil society and private sector of eight countries in East Asia gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, from 3-6 October 2016 to exchange experiences on advancing open government data for sustainable development. The participants have also analysed and provided inputs to OGD action plans earlier drafted by the governments of Bangladesh and Nepal based on their experience of rolling out similar initiatives in other countries. They reflected on how to maximize… Read More