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11th Session Documentation


Remarks by H.E. Mr. Miloš Koterec, President of the Economic and Social Council

Remarks by Mr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA

Item 2: Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters 

Provisional annotated agenda (E/C.16/2012/1)

Economic and Social Council decision on the provisional agenda for the eleventh session of CEPA (2011/252)

Remarks by Director, DPDAM/DESA

Item 3: Local public governance and administration for results: 

Item 3 (a): Intergovernmental governance and regimes 

Note by the Secretariat: Intergovernmental governance and regimes (E/C.16/2012/2)

Conference room paper on distribution of powers between central governments and sub-national governments 

Presentation by Mr. Jan Ziekow, Director, German Research Institute for Public Administration 

Presentation by Mr. Hao Bin, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

Remarks by Mr. Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary General, United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (RemarksVideo)

Remarks by Mr. Francisco Longo Martinez, Secretary-General, ESADE Business and Law School, Ramon Llull University 

Item 3 (b): Public service capacity-building for local-level development 

Note by the Secretariat: Public service capacity-building for local-level development: the Singapore public service: a case study (E/C.16/2012/3)

Remarks by Mr. Philip Liat Kok, Special Adviser for Economic Development, Office of the Prime Minister 

Remarks by Ms. Najat Zarrouk, Director, Development Branch and African Local Government Academy, United Cities and Local Government of Africa (French)

Remarks by Ms. Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Practice Director for Democratic Governance Group, UNDP 

Item 3 (c): Transparency, accountability and citizen's engagement 

Note by the Secretariat: Transparency, accountability and citizen's engagement (E/C.16/2012/4)

Conference room paper on transparency, accountability and citizen's engagement 

Presentation by Marta Oyhanarte, Director, Global Consultores

Presentation by Mr. Mustaq Khan, Professor of Economics, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Remarks by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Remarks by Ms. Meredith Edwards, Professor Emeritus, University of Canberra

Presentation by Ms. Hyam Nashash, Assistant Professor of Educational Administration, Al-Balqa' University

Remarks by Ms. Margaret Saner, Independent Senior Adviser in Governance, Leadership, Change and Institution-building

Item 4: Review of the United Nations programme on public administration and finance 

Note by the Secretariat: Review of the United Nations programme in public administration and finance (E/C.16/2012/5)

Presentation by Director, DPADM/DESA

Working Groups

Presentation by working groups on the collaboration between CEPA and DPADM in 2011 and 2012

Working group I - public administration capacity: institutional and human resource development (Reporting)

Working group II - e-government development (PresentationReporting)

Working group III - development management and citizen engagement (PresentationReporting)